I have a question: Why are there so many Calvinism vs Arminianism threads and discussions here? And why do they get so heated? No one is going to change anyone else's mind, so what's the point?
Actually, they can play a part in someone changing their view. Remember that not everyone who reads these threads posts. There are more lurkers than participants. We may never know who was impacted by a thread.
As to why they are heated? Historically it has been one of the most hotly debated doctrines since the Reformation. Think about it. Monergism vs Synergism goes right to the heart of the Gospel. There is a lot at stake.
Of course, for some, it is not just emotion during vigorous debate that wanes afterwards. For some it is personal. It crosses the line between debate and sin. I have crossed that line before and have had to repent of it. Humbling to be sure.