Admittedly there are those that have experienced some gibberish charismatic fluff of which many boast, BUT THAT IS NOT the tongues of 1 Cor. 13.
The tongues of 1 Cor. 13 are actual earthly languages.
Folks such as Tyndale had and have such a gift, it is not passed away. Tyndale was fluent in eight. I can hardly function with one.
It may not be acquired the same way, just as healing may take place by medical personnel, but the gift remains. There are those who are gifted multilingual. Such has not passed away.
Cassidy and I disagree on when the cessation occurs. He places it at the death of John, I place it at the start of the millennium. We use the same verse as proof. I just show that if the apostle Paul didn’t see clearly, himself, then the only time when all is seen and known is at the start of the millennium. No doubts, nothing unknown in Scriptures starting then.
What BOTH Cassidy and I agree upon is that there is NO PLACE for some gibberish such as the charismatics hold. It is not Biblical.
The “unknown tongues” of the Bible are earth languages.
The prophecy must conform to what is consistent in and with the Scriptures.
There have been times when overwhelmed I had to rely totally on the working of the Holy Spirit to process the words acceptable to the Father. But those are private, in the closet times that are no ones business.
Eli thought Samuel’s mother drunk, as she poured out her complaint to God.
How sad, when believers can go their whole life and not met the Father in such condition and find Him completely trustworthy. It is not a time of bragging, but a reflection that bring rejoicing.