The SDA church has no pastors leading/conducting/setting policy for hospitals on abortion that I know of ---
However if the Catholic church could "lead by example" simply getting six of its Catholic judges to vote "no" on abortion on our U.S. Supreme court -- we would not even have this problem. No amount of chasing me around Baptist Board will change the state of abortion in America - but actually getting those six Catholics to change their vote .. would do it.
Also getting the Catholics in the U.S. Senate and Congress to vote against Abortion - would also do it "via the other branch of government that they control". They have two ways to do it .. BUT the one way that gets you nothing at all - is chasing me around the BaptistBoard. I already vote against it.
At what point does common sense start to appear to be "the better way to do things"??
You don't know our Faith, Anyone who commits a mortal sin is automatically excommunicated.
Anyone supporting abortion in anyway is excommunicated.
"The SDA church has no pastors leading/conducting/setting policy for hospitals on abortion that I know of ---"
Here is link to the OFFICIAL SDA WEBSITE:
These guidelines were approved and voted by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Executive Committee at the Annual Council session in Silver Spring, Maryland, October 12, 1992.
Its pretty straight forward black and white.
Find one line that says abortion is a sin or murder of children.
Instead you will see:
1) Prenatal human life is a magnificent gift of God. God's ideal for human beings affirms the sanctity of human life, in God's image, and requires respect for prenatal life. However, decisions about life must be made in the context of a fallen world. Abortion is never an action of little moral consequence. Thus prenatal life must not be thoughtlessly destroyed. Abortion should be performed only for the most serious reasons.
"decisions about life must be made in the context of a fallen world."
6) Church institutions should be provided with guidelines for developing their own institutional policies in harmony with this statement. Persons having a religious or ethical objection to abortion should not be required to participate in the performance of abortions.
^great news If you work in a SDA hospital your not required to participate in abortions.
Who is a person having a religious or ethical objection to abortion?
The way abortion is sugar coated is astonishing:
4) Valuable as it is, human life is not the only or ultimate concern. Self-sacrifice in devotion to God and His principles may take precedence over life itself (Revelation 12:11; 1 Corinthians 13).
^They are talking about a innocent unborn child's life.
Good News is steam is picking up and there are SDA trying to bring awareness to the rest.