I have always said you can call yourself whatever you like.You can believe whatever you like.You have no right to tell me what I believe or don't believe. Probably the best source for what I believe in terms of Calvinism is John Piper and D.A. Carson. In regards to predestination and free-will, I do lean towards Edwards. I also greatly appreciate Spurgeon. They are my biggest influences.
Where we disagreed was in regards to penal substitution as encompassing the entirety of Christ's work, God separating from Jesus on the Cross, and Covenant theology.
Most importantly, I objected to your treatment of Christians who were purchased with the blood of Christ. I believe that you persecute Christ in your persecution of other believers.
Your faith does not work, regardless of doctrine, if it does not work. It is not knowing about Christ but knowing Christ. And that is demonstrated by our fruit.
You can accuse me of whatever you like.bye bye my friend.