All translations have biases. Only the original languages are without error, which is why I looked up the Hebrew and posted that for your reading. Accoring to the originally authored text in the orginal language, the rendering I gave you is correct.
I gave two translations which I believe were accurate in their rendering of this verse. If you want to talk about bias, your bias was "outstanding" to the point of ridiculous. You looked up the Hebrew (a fruitless exercise) and chose one meaning out of many to suit your pre-determined idea. That is bias.
Here is what you said in your previous post:
In Pslam 51, the word "shapen" - the Hebrew word chuwl - means to "travail in pain and bring forth". The word "iniquity" is the Hebrew word avon which means "punishment of iniquity".
So the literal translation would be: "Behold I was brought forth in pain under the punishment for sin (which is death)." The whole verse is probably a reference to Genesis 3:16, as it artisticly echos the verse:
Gen 3:16a Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children;
Now what does the Hebrew really say concerning "shapen"
lwx chuwl khool
or chiyl {kheel}; a primitive root; properly, to twist or whirl (in a circular or spiral
manner), i.e. (specifically) to dance, to writhe in pain (especially of parturition) or
fear; figuratively, to wait, to pervert:--bear, (make to) bring forth, (make to) calve,
dance, drive away, fall grievously (with pain), fear, form, great, grieve, (be)
grievous, hope, look, make, be in pain, be much (sore) pained, rest, shake,
shapen, (be) sorrow(-ful), stay, tarry, travail (with pain), tremble, trust, wait carefully
(patiently), be wounded.
Out of about 35 meanings of this word, you chose
one that would suit your cause. That is bias; or perhaps deceit would even be better.
Then, you use your one-definition-word and apply it symbolically or allegorically to the curse in Genesis 3 to which Psalm 51:5 has no relevance at all.
Now let's get to the heart of the matter. Answer a simple question. When David says: in the KJV, "in sin did my mother conceive me," what sin did his mother commit? Or what is something else that David was referring to?
Could it be possible that another translation has a better rendering of this verse, such as:
(GW) Indeed, I was born guilty. I was a sinner when my mother conceived me.
(NET) Look, I was guilty of sin from birth,
a sinner the moment my mother conceived me.
Where in Scripture was the sin that the wife of Jesse committed? Give Scripture please.
I can't find the phrase "the Adamic nature" in any of the translations of my Bible. Can you point out this scripture to me?
I can't find the word "trinity" in any of the translations of my Bible. Can you point out this scripture to me. The Bible teaches both.
Interesting. Yet - death reigned in those from Adam until Moses... even over those who did not eat the fruit of the garden of eden - that being the only law of God until the time of Moses (unless you count things like "be fruitful and multiply" or count God creating plants as food as an implied command not to eat animals).
You have a problem with this. Did not Adam and his descendants die? Did not he and all his generations have laws to obey? Of course they did. They did not have the Mosaic law, which is referred to in Romans 5:13, but they did have law.
Rom 5:13 (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.
14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.
So sin was not 'charged' (imputed) to those who were between Adam and Moses, because The Law had not yet entered. However, death was 'imputed'... they did experience death even though they had not disobeyed any existing law (they didn't eat of the fruit from the tree of the knowlege of good and evil, for example).
Adam died because he broke God's law, as did every man that followed him. The wages of sin is death. No man has lived a sinless life except Christ. All men have died because all have sinned. All have sinned because all have fallen under the curse and therefore have inherited a sin nature. They will sin; they have a sin nature. It didn't take the law of Moses to tell them that. Why do you confuse the law of Moses with the general moral law of God?
The curse of sin is death. You just made my argument for me again. You said the curse (which is death) fell upon all mankind.
Death is a result of sin. You can't have death without sin. Adam died because he sinned. The curse came as a result of sin.
"In Adam's fall; we sinned all." (McGuffey's Reader)
Sin didn't reign. Sin had no power until the law was given.
Not true. It is not true because you are assuming that the law here refers to the Mosaic law. It isn't. Sin reigned as soon as Adam sinned
and broke God's law.
God's law has been in this world for as long as Adam and Eve have been created. I don't see where your problem is.
Rom 7:8 But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin [was] dead.
Now you have jumped from chapter five to chapter 7, where Paul is giving his own testimony. He does refer to the Mosaic law, under which he was brought up. He uses the first personal pronoun, "me." The law showed him that he was a sinner, in need of a Saviour. The law pointed him to Christ.
What scripture does the idea that the sin nature is passed on biologically contained? What scripture says that the male is the one who passes it on biologically? There is none.
Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
one man...death
by sin...all have sinned.
The one man was Adam. Because of his sin all have become sinners. It was passed on through Adam.
Romans 5:15 But not as the offence, so also is the free gift.
For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.
--We are all dead spiritually, that is we all have a sin nature that separates us from God, because of the sin of Adam. As Adam gave us that sin nature, so Christ will give us a new nature, by his grace--a free gift to all.
Romans 5:16 And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift:
for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.
--Because of Adam we all are condemned. Because of Christ we all have hope. Our sin nature is passed on through Adam; otherwise how else are we condemned. Paul says it is because of Adam.
Romans 5:17 For if
by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)
--Death reigned because of Adam. But death reigns only because of sin. If Adam had not sinned there would have been no sin. Because of Adam's sin, we all sin, and we all die. The sin nature is inherited.
Romans 5:18 Therefore as
by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
--Because of Adam judgment came upon all men to condemnation. This would not be possible unless all received a sin nature through Adam. It is called our Adamic nature. Adam is the head of our race. There is only one race--the Adamic race. And from Adam we have inherited his sin nature. It came as a result of the fall; the curse.
Romans 5:19
For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
--We are made sinners because of Adam's disobedience. The teaching here is very clear. Adam's sin nature is passed down.