"And so much more." Well, here's the gist of the so much more:
When you don't give the whole quote it is deceptive.
Allegiance to the inerrancy of the Bible
And the rest of the quote:
embraces the biblical truths behind the five points (TULIP), while having an aversion to using the acronym or any other systematic packaging, along with a sometimes qualified embrace of limited atonement.
Sovereignty of God in salvation
in salvation, and in all the affairs of life in history, including evil and suffering.
-This is in opposition to the traditional "divine sovereignty in everything."
They have qualified it. It is more historical.
Embraces the essential place of the local church --that the preached Word is central to the work of God
What is the rest of that quote??
It is led mainly by pastors, has a vibrant church-planting bent, produces widely-sung worship music, and exalts the preached word as central to the work of God locally and globally.
--Typical worldliness and carnality in music. The stress is not preaching the word locally, but rather globally. This is via internet, not traditional missions.
including missional impact on social evils, evangelistic impact on personal networks, and missionary impact on unreached peoples of the world.
Yep! Missions according to the social gospel! They are more interested in environmentalism and racial issues than they are in preaching the gospel.
That is a curse not a compliment. The church of the Antichrist and False Prophet will be interdenominational. The secular religions of humanism and existentialism are interdenominational. They can work with all religions, except fundamental baptists, except those who are doctrinally sound in their beliefs.
Jonathan Edwards, rather than Jonathan Edwards is more of a model of ministry
Any name can be given. A person influences others. Piper, Mohler, Driscoll, et. al. have influenced others for evil rather than good. The New Calvinism movement is not a good movement.
Robustly gospel-centered and cross-centered
And the rest of the quote?
with dozens of books rolling off the presses, coming at the gospel from every conceivable angle, and applying it to all areas of life with a commitment to seeing the historic doctrine of justification, finding its fruit in sanctification personally and communally.
--The books contain error, heresy, all kinds of it. Words, that is theological terms are redefined. As one of your own said:
"If you are going to adopt Puritan doctrine, then adopt Puritan sanctification."
But they don't. They follow the "cussing pastor," such as Mark Driscoll, or have had, and have copied his ways. They are worldly, not sanctified.
It was interesting that writer of the article said:
13. The New Calvinism uses words like robust, vibrant, embrace and lots of adverbs.
13. Old Calvinists don’t.
--These are some of those key words of the New Calvinists, the ones that identify them.
If you were honest you would give complete quotes and show the differences that the author of the article was actually pointing out. But you were not. I had to do it for you.