Bush. He instigated the war in Iraq that exacerbated the problems in the Mid-East and brought about the current extreme problems.
Congress authorized the war based on intelligence reports. Democrats and Republicans alike voted for it.
The truth is, ever since the Clinton Administration, the US had an official state policy of removing Saddam Hussein from power. However, during the Clinton Administration we also had a lovely member of the Clinton Justice Department, Jamie Gorelick, who instituted a "wall of separation" that kept counterterrorism agents and federal agents and prosecutors from properly sharing information.
If you (collective
you, not "you" Crabtownboy) really want to assign blame, there's plenty to go around between both major parties.
I protested, but was in the minority. When you inherit a war you have little choice but to fight on. If he had cut and run where would we be. Bush had the support of the majority of the population because of the hysteria caused by 9/11. He used that to start a totally unnecessary war in Iraq and in doing so ignored Afghanistan and that led to even more problems.
Obama has done nothing but carry on the only form of Imperialism the US was able to take part in. See, way back in the dark days of the 1930s and 1940s, the US, an emerging superpower on the global stage, sought to create an empire similar to Britain. However, at the same time, the imperial nations were giving up their colonies. Since the US was not able to create colonies, they basically created police stations, or, as we call them, military bases. When you have a military base in every corner of the world, you have an empire, whether you call it that or not.
I said then, before we invaded Iraq, that once you stick your fist into a tar baby it is very hard to break free. These problems began after WW I when both the Arabs and Jews were promised a homeland by the British. In time they brought about, with help of course, the establishment of Israel, but reneged on their promise to the Arabs and carved up the Mid-East between themselves in France.
This is quite accurate. When the British created the modern borders of Iraq, they lumped three distinct groups of people (Shi'ites, Sunnis, and Kurds) who really are not fond of each other into one country and basically said to them "Alright, play nice now."
The Arabs, with justification I might add, have not trusted any Western government since the 1920's. This is a hard truth that many do not want to face, indeed will screech it is untrue. Sadly it is true.
The so called conservatives now want to rewrite history and blame Obama. It won't wash.
Both sides of the aisle have always engaged in revisionist history. It's not something new to conservatives. I've actually seen legitimate articles talking about the "hatred and contempt" leveled at President Obama as though no President has ever been criticized. Apparently none of these people were in the country from November 2000 to January 2009.