Well-Known Member
Perhaps that is because I do not ascribe to a single theory. IMHO the atonement is too important a doctrine to leave it up to picking which theory we believe best fits. The reason I believe this is because so much is built on our view of the atonement.
If you know your history then your comments that my view seems to be "all over the place" was merely insult and not a genuine comment. If you don't, then I can accept your confusion.
Yes, my view flows "between theories". I believe that the ECF's had something to say even though we do not always accept the way they said it. We use illustrations to explain our views, as did they. And, as you probably know, the most common way of viewing the atonement in the early church was with the Father as some sort of referee between the Son and Satan. We both would agree that this is not correct - BUT what they were trying to communicate may not be so off target.
Are you a fairly recent seminary graduate (within 5 years)? Was it online? Are you under the age of 40...ish? I want to know how close I am regarding my estimation based on your comments.
Well then no wonder people think you are all over the place because you actually are. Flowing in and out of theories.
Why don't you list a simple summary of your view. Keep it short and to the point.
And again, we are not talking about age and credentials. It is irrelevant. You and I went to the same school, have the same degree, and no it was not completely online.