You gave no answer to questions. Why? Because there is no place in Scripture where it says exactly that you are not to argue politics on a forum. And, there is no place in Scripture where it says it is a sin to kill someone for political views. Your use of 'thou shalt not kill' does not apply as was shown.
Politics is not non-violent. It is very violent. At times it progresses to the physical fighting and war. But before the physical fighting takes place, the fighting with words and argument takes place. If one is not willing in his position to follow his political stance to the actual physical fighting, then he shouldn't be making a political stand. My opinion. That doesn't mean you have to be one of those doing the physical fighting. But it certainly means you shouldn't attack those that do as wrong as they are siding with your political views. If you believe it is wrong to partake in politics or in the fighting that results from politics, then you should't be arguing politics.
Just because I described you doesn't make my argument weak. Who established that as an axiom?
How am I disobeying (1 Peter 2:13)? Do we as believers submit to the homosexual approval and protections established by law now in our country. Do we as believers submit to the approval and protections of abortion established by law now in our country. No matter which party you vote for, you vote for that because both will approve of that. All of which the founders of our country would have revolted over such things. Were the Russians wrong in fighting against the Bolsheviks and Communism during the Bolshevik revolution? After the Bolsheviks came to power, were Russians wrong fighting in 1989 against Communism when it fell?
Jesus had another mission in view other than the establishment of the Kingdom. The Cross.
Every signer of the Declaration of Independence knew they were signing their death warrant. If they failed, they would all be hung for treason. Many of these were Christian. I do not see them as wrong in what they did, as others do.
If you can't come to grips with what you as a Christian should do if war breaks out, then I wouldn't be arguing politics. Don't kid yourself that you are taking a non-violent stand in just arguing and debate.
I am pleased you take the time to respond Quantrill but I also see you missed some things I said so then the missing is not just me.
I did give answers but you do not like the way I do it and think I am always being evasive.
I don't "know" like you know so in that respect suppose you could say I'm lagging behind.
Just to let you know right now I am not going to address all your points and I think you follow that method too.
There is no axiom about describing but there is something about ad hominem and that is where I put "describing." Or you may see it as another tactic in argument but it is personal.
And please do not put me in with that other person.
I am taking the stand I can without physically assaulting people by posting in political forums.
Sorry to disappoint but have been into some form of political interchange since I was 10 years old so it ain't going away.
Besides I get news there too. Helps me form opinion which will lead to whatever action that will be taken. One action is voting.
You are for that, right? as you have stated previously.
"If you believe it is wrong to partake in politics or in the fighting that results from politics, then you shouldn't be arguing politics. "
"But before the physical fighting takes place, the fighting with words and argument takes place. "
I am "arguing" with you right now but I do not want to do any physical harm to you. Doesn't follow that there will be violence by arguing on this forum. I do not believe it is wrong to partake in politics. It's the physical violence I am concerned about.
Lots of people partake in politics without physical violence even from arguments in the world outside of this forum. Some on this forum have been treated poorly without actual physical violence however, and have left because of it. Maybe they left because their arguments did not persuade anyone and they were upset about it but plenty of them got abuse thrown at them by the opposition.
Do we as believers submit to the homosexual approval and protections established by law now in our country. Do we as believers submit to the approval and protections of abortion established by law now in our country. No matter which party you vote for, you vote for that because both will approve of that.
So then buy the last statement you vote for it too.
We are to expose the works of darkness but we have a culture that allows for it and also a "live and let live " mind set too.
You cannot prove by scripture that it is ok to take up arms when scripture says our enemies are NOT flesh and blood.
The world says it's ok to take up arms when freedom is threatened but not the scriptures.
You said I'm worldly so by that I just might take up the arms especially if my flesh is convinced it's correct.