It is hard to understand how Christians lead by the same Spirit can disagee on such clear principles from Scripture, especially when some of the posters here have had extensive training in seminary and this is their profession. It is also a mystery why some choose to link two unrelated issues.
There can be only one way to look at the unborn. It is life that the Lord created, and therefore, only the Lord has the right to take it. That right certainly does not rest with a bunch of sinful, flawed human beings. Why is one post ever made on this issue? It is as clear as one can be this side of heaven.
Then we have the issue (totally seperate) of helping the poor, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, edifying the down trodden, encouraging those discouraged, tending to the sick, etc. How can any Christian put a qualification on this? This issue is quite clear. Help others. Love others as yourself. How much clearer does it need to be? There are no qualifications, barriers, roadblocks to helping others.
While we are on the subject, why do the two get linked? What does one have to do with the other?
As far as the issue of the drones, I am not sure this even falls into the realm of Scripture, more political. I have stated repeatedly that I do not believe we should have any presence or relationship with Muslim countries, but we do not know all of the facts related to the drone attacks. At any rate, it would be good to have more information before we criticize the attacks. But thing is clear though, there is no justification to linking drone attacks to either the abortion issue or helping the needy.
If we were all sincere in our basic Christian beliefs, there would never be a thread debating issues like this.