Now for conclusion, I beseech all christian readers, to examine this wholly by the scriptures: as by that which is the true touchstone to examine all doctrines. I doubt not but that whosoever will suffer himself to be led by the truth of God, and will submit himself to reason, shall find sufficiently wherewith to be satisfied, touching the articles which I have here entreated of.
Besides this I have endeavoured myself, as much as I could, to accommodate myself unto the rudeness of the simple, for whom chiefly I travail. So the Anabaptists cannot make cavillation, as they are wont, that I would overcome them by subtlety, or oppress them by craft of man's eloquence: seeing I have used as homely and as simple manner as can be desired. Yet is it meet that I do advertise all faithful men of their malice, because they cannot make their matter appear good but in mingling all together, in such wise as all their doctrine is a confused mess. As a body without head, arms, and legs, they use oftentimes foolish and strange manner of speeches, and without a deliberate purpose, still leaping from the Cock to the Ass, do interlace divers matters, and bring in divers places of scripture {83.B.} cut and broken: and so pleasing themselves in this matter, make men believe that there is much more majesty to speak so brutishly, than well to digest the matter by order. Now to confound them, there is no better way, than to expound and deduce the matters distinctly, and by a certain order to bring forth one matter after another, well weighing and marking the sentences of the scripture, to draw out thereof the true and natural sense, and to use a simplicity and plainness of words, which is not strange from the common speech. Which thing if a man do, they cry out, that men go about to deceive and circumvent them by human subtlety and sophistry: as though it were the custom or intent of sophisters, to make dark things clear. For my part I confess, that asmuch as in me is, I do study to dispose by order those things which I speak, that I may give the more clear and easy understanding. If the Anabaptists may not abide thus, I wot not what to say, but that he which doeth evil, hateth the light. [John 3.20.]
And to give the better colour to their doctrine, they have imprinted with their resolution, the history of the death of one Michael, their accomplice, and maintainer of their sect. And indeed they are wont to make a great buckler, of [the fact] that many have suffered death, to maintain their opinions, and would not recant although thereby they might have escaped death, and have redeemed their life. {84.A.}