Why would the Lord go into explicit details with the Prophet Ezekiel in chapters 36-39 concerning the redemption of Israel; and chapters 40-48 concerning the Millennial Reign; if the Lord, who knows the end from the beginning, were not going to perform it.
I don't understand why so many Christians right off the multitude of prophecies in the Old Testament which all point to the redemption of Israel.
The Scriptures do not point to the redemption of Physical Israel, as many suppose. Rather, they point to the redemption of Spiritual Israel. In Romans 8, Paul tells us who the spiritual children of God are - those who are in Christ, who are led by the Spirit. Paul reminds us that what the Law failed to do, God did.
In Romans 9, Paul goes on to explain that the "children of the Promise" are not children of the flesh, but of the Spirit. This is an extremely important topic, as Paul continues to discuss it in Romans 10 (salvation comes only through faith) and Romans 11 (a remnant will be saved by grace). Other Scriptures that show us prove the "True Jew" is Spiritual, not physical include Romans 2:28-29, Galatians 2:14-`5, Galatians 3:27, Galatians 6:15-16, Ephesians 2:11-14, and Philippians 3:3.
The theme of the Book of Hebrews is the superiority of the New Covenant to the Old Covenant. Hebrews 10 shows us that the Old Covenant is finished. There will not be a 3rd Temple; the animal sacrificial system and priests will not be reinstated. Why would they? Jesus fulfilled the requirements of the Old Covenant system. Animal sacrifices were formerly required for atonement, but Jesus became our final Sacrifice.