Rachel: "Ahhh ok. But I didn't realize I had a position to attack. LOL Nothing completely set in stone anyway (as in the different mill views)."
Everybody has a position.
"I don't know" is a position.
Fence sitting is a position (an ackward position, i'm sure
Here is what Rachel said:
"I believe what the Bible says, Jesus is coming back soon. I look forward to His coming! It could be tonight, tomorrow, next week or 100 yrs from now. I don't know and neither does any one else on this earth.
We all need to live as if today is our last day here because it could be, spreading the Gospel in Love, witnessing to people around us. How many Christian's live in such a way that people notice something different in us that is Awesome? How many Christian's actually talk about Jesus and what He's done for us to people we come in contact with?? Not that many, and that's the travesty. Do we really care people are dying every day and going to hell?
Well gettin off topic so I'll stop....for now."
Rachel was in error about one thing: she was NOT off topic.
Consider the prophetic writing contained in 2 Peter chapter 3.
Look at the reason for writing the prophecy:
2Pe 3:14 (KJV1611 edition):
Wherefore (beloued) seeing that ye looke for such things,
be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace,
without spot, and blamelesse.
The whole reason for eschatological teaching is to call
saints to good works. Recall good works don't save us;
good works flow from the salvation given us by Jesus.
All eschatology is good, if i causes us to do good works.
2Pe 3:11 IKJV1611 edition):
Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolued,
What maner of persons ought ye to be in
all holy conuersation, and godlinesse,
Recall in 1611 "conversation" means what "life style"
means in 2005.
So Sister Rachael, you are NOT off-topic -- you
right on topic!