...is, I submit, not between Catholicism and evangelicalism/Protestantism but within Protestantism itself, between Calvinists and Arminians. Only the Reformed can correctly say that they believe that salvation is sola gratia, by grace alone, with no human co-operation; both Arminians and Catholics on the contrary speak of the need for human co-operation with grace. Arminians and Catholics allow for free will, Calvinists do not. Both Arminians and Catholics allow for the possibility of salvation being subsequently lost, Calvinists believe in 'once saved always saved'. This Arminian free exercise of the human will in maintaining salvation amounts in practice to a 'work', and thus Arminians cannot in reality be said to be sola fide, any more than Catholics can, but rather believe in salvation by faith maintained and outworked by works. The Reformed, however, can be said to believe sola fide. Therefore I would suggest that Catholics and Arminians have far more in common soteriologically than either does with the Calvinists.