2 Timothy2:1-4 said:
I know, I know, ronnie is a victim. Poor ronnie. The whole world is against him. And then you get off track and blubber something about Sean Hannity. What's that about anyway?
OK,So sorry, 2Timothy2:1-4..........
I'll just call you timmy not with any disrespect just cause I think you are quite young,and a little naive.
Timmy,the reason I bring sean hannity into it is this . 1 He is part of the problem,bought and paid for..don't be gullable enough to think that anyone standing on the founders principles gets sin-da cation.you just do not give 300 plus radio stations to one that might turn out to be a problem to your PLAN!
2.He is about as fair and balanced as Geobbles was in hitlers,regeime. He IS propaganda to the 10th degree.
As well as others on any network you care to look at...........timmy "facts is facts"
and the only thing stranger than fiction is the truth. My sincere prayer is that you as well as the other young people in America will have the scales fall from your eyes,that is the only hope for this nation outside of Gods grace,II Chronicles 7:14
was written for a reason,a time such as this...........and we need to get real.......stop believing what we are told is true and ask God to light our pathway to HIS truth....Timmy satan is real he has dominion over the earth and is accelerating his game plan,cause he knows his time free from the pit is short!
If we are living close to the time that John wrote of in the Revelation of Jesus Christ
don't you think we should be working?warning ?and doing our best for the Savior?