The Saturday Sabbath ended at the cross as did the whole Old Covenant APPLICATION of the Sabbath PRINCIPLE.
<At the cross> like my blind old Dachshuendchen stops against an unexpected object placed in her way?
No; thus nothing ended—nothing of “The Sabbath-OF-THE-LORD-GOD”, what of <<the Saturday Sabbath>> that never existed except in the strange minds of Sabbath-Law applicants.
There’s no Law to apply to see The Living WORD-LAW-OF-GOD JESUS CHRIST made an end of ON, the cross. THAT was the ONLY <<Old Covenant APPLICATION of the Sabbath PRINCIPLE>> seen ‘LIVE’ as were it seen ‘LIVE’ on TV screen.
But I cannot see behind the ‘LIVE’-visible; sorry. I see Jesus Christ crucified and his life being obliterated as were it all the leaven from the land of The Living.
Yes, often I am forced to <apply> allegory instead of Law. Because Law cannot go beyond Law; it must stop exist BEFORE the cross. Only the Living God is seen ON the cross. What goes on the cross goes on it IN HIM. What goes into the grave goes into it IN HIM. IN HIM death and grave are conquered and IN HIM is raised from it THAT WHICH IS OF THE LORD. What is “co-raised in and together with Christ” must have been “co-buried-in-death in and together with Christ.” If the Sabbath was not “co-buried-in-death in and together with Christ”, the Sabbath could not and was not “co-raised in and together with Christ”.
Is Sunday seen, “co-buried-in-death in and together with Christ”?
That’s the question you should ask and answer before you try any argument that Sunday is the Lord’s Day! Sunday or the First Day of the week was never, and was never foretold, to die and be taken into oblivion in and together with Jesus Christ; so it can NEVER take the Sabbath’s place that was killed and was taken out of the way and was made to nothing in Christ and together with Him on the cross.
That leaves you with whichever application of the Law you depend most on for your Sunday sacredness, not even on the side-line; it leaves you out of the picture completely. Not the worst allegory even can serve the good of Sunday worship.
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