Yeshua: "Majority of reputable NT experts still hold that same John wrote all books ascribed to his Name!"
LOL, as usual you pontificate from Ghetto ignorance. I have many commentaries on the 4th Gospel and only 1 old and out-of-date one does. The gold standard of Johannine commentaries is the massive 2-volune commentary by Raymond Brown, a major NT scholar. In his commentary he advocates identifying the Beloved Disciple as John the son of Zebedee. But in a later book on the 4th Gospel he recants that claim and joins the scholarly consensus that the identity of the BD is unknown, but is certain not John the son of Zebedee. This skeptical scholarly consensus is the reason why I've spent 25 years gathering evidence for Jesus' brother James as the BD. I have presented just a few points from that research here and you have no clue as to how to embark on a point-by-point refutation.
Yeshua: "There are NO conflicts that have no reasonable explanation, as there can be harmonized, check a Bible Harmony on the 4 Gospels!
It is precisely a good Gospel harmony that I used in a Bible study that draws attention to these and other apparent inconsistencies. As a result, all but 1 member of my Bible study got an MDiv or Masters in Theology from reputable seminaries and grad schools that you would consider liberal! Ha!
As for your claim that "there are no conflicts that have no reasonable explanation, my OP offers a long list of such apparent contradictions and you seem to have no clue about how to harmonize these difficulties. I have offered my harmonization, and if you think differently, put up or shut up--go through my OP list and explain how you would remove these problems. Or just do what you're doing and keep pontificating unjustified Baptist Ghetto rhetoric and see where that gets you!
3 qualifications of my sequence of events:
1. My resolution of these contradictions ignores the bogus KJV ending of Mark (16:9-20), which scholars recognize as a mid-2nd century addition by Aristo of Pella and is written in a totally non-Marcan Greek style.
2. My resolution also recognizes that the Gospel writers are inconsistent and unclear about how many women go to Christ's tomb and then to go to report to the disciples.
3. Matthew's piece on the Roman guards at the tomb (28:2-4, 11-15) involves an angel and is blended into his empty tomb narrative, but makes no mention of an encounter with this angel by the women.
#32 Yeshua1,
38 minutes ago