Acts 13.26
13. The GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the GOD of our fathers, has glorified His Servant Jesus, the One Whom you delivered up and disowned in the presence of *Pilate, when he had decided to release Him.
26. For you first GOD raised up His Servant (Jesus) (verses 13.15), and sent Him to bless you, by turning every one of you from your wicked ways.'
~ 13. *Pilate (Gr. Pilatus). The fifth procurator, or governmental representative, of imperial Rome in Israel at the time of Christ, holding this office from 26 to 36 A.C. Whether it be considered an honor or disgrace, he is the one man of all Roman officialdom who is named in the Apostles' Creed - "suffered under Pontius Pilate."
The four Gospels relate the sad but glorious events fully, especially the Gospel of John. Pilate is also mentioned in the Acts (Acts 3.13, 4.27, 13.28) and in 1Timothy 6.13, where we are told that Jesus "before Pontius Pilate made the good confession."
Pontius was his family name showing that he was descended from the Roman family, or gens, of pontii. Pilate no doubt came from the Latin pilatus, meaning "one armed with a pilum, or javelin."
The New International Dictionary of the Bible. J. D. Douglas, Merrill C. Tenney.
In this sense Jesus Serve His Father GOD not only as His Son but also as His GOD (Psalm 45.7) (Hebrews 1.9) (John 20.17) (Revelation 3.2.12) (Romans 6.10).
I cannot find a verse in the Bible where GOD Father call His Son Jesus as GOD, but Jesus called His Father as GOD in number of occasions. Between GOD Father and His Son Jesus, GOD Father is the Supreme GOD and Jesus His Son lesser GOD because He is the Son of His Father Who created Him.
Between GOD Father, His Son, and Their Holy Spirit, and the people of the Earth, for all of us, They Are Both GODS, Father and Son.
Jesus is the perfect Mirror and Representation of His Father and because of it we hear and see the Father literally as He is at any particular moment, through everything what Jesus ever said, teach, and did. So for us, in this matter, the Father and His Son Are Both Holy Spirit and Are Both GODS and we can hear and see the Father of Jesus Christ through Jesus Christ Himself (John 12.45) as His perfect Image.
In Acts 3.13 Peter specified only the relationship between Jesus and His Father alone, in which Jesus the Son of His Father GOD is the Servant of His Father Who always fulfilling the will of His Father in everything that His Father Commands Him to say or to do (John 15.10).
GOD Father raised Christ from the dead (Acts 2.24, 3.26) and also made Him Lord and Christ (Acts 2.36). So, everything what Jesus Christ have (Matthew 11.27) (Luke 10.22) (John 3.35, 16.15, 17.7.10), said, and done, everything came from His Father and not from Jesus Himself, even His Titles as Lord and Christ, all came from His Father Who gave it to Him.
It is good to remember that Jesus Christ is not independent, separated, self-governing or self-sufficient GOD, but Creation of His Father, and because of it Jesus Christ reflect His Father GOD in everything that He think, saying, and doing and nothing came from Himself, except Love and Obedience to His Father GOD.
2John 1.9
9. "Everyone who does not abide in the Teaching of Christ but goes beyond it does not have GOD, whoever abides in the Teaching has Both, the Father and the Son."
13. The GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the GOD of our fathers, has glorified His Servant Jesus, the One Whom you delivered up and disowned in the presence of *Pilate, when he had decided to release Him.
26. For you first GOD raised up His Servant (Jesus) (verses 13.15), and sent Him to bless you, by turning every one of you from your wicked ways.'
~ 13. *Pilate (Gr. Pilatus). The fifth procurator, or governmental representative, of imperial Rome in Israel at the time of Christ, holding this office from 26 to 36 A.C. Whether it be considered an honor or disgrace, he is the one man of all Roman officialdom who is named in the Apostles' Creed - "suffered under Pontius Pilate."
The four Gospels relate the sad but glorious events fully, especially the Gospel of John. Pilate is also mentioned in the Acts (Acts 3.13, 4.27, 13.28) and in 1Timothy 6.13, where we are told that Jesus "before Pontius Pilate made the good confession."
Pontius was his family name showing that he was descended from the Roman family, or gens, of pontii. Pilate no doubt came from the Latin pilatus, meaning "one armed with a pilum, or javelin."
The New International Dictionary of the Bible. J. D. Douglas, Merrill C. Tenney.
In this sense Jesus Serve His Father GOD not only as His Son but also as His GOD (Psalm 45.7) (Hebrews 1.9) (John 20.17) (Revelation 3.2.12) (Romans 6.10).
I cannot find a verse in the Bible where GOD Father call His Son Jesus as GOD, but Jesus called His Father as GOD in number of occasions. Between GOD Father and His Son Jesus, GOD Father is the Supreme GOD and Jesus His Son lesser GOD because He is the Son of His Father Who created Him.
Between GOD Father, His Son, and Their Holy Spirit, and the people of the Earth, for all of us, They Are Both GODS, Father and Son.
Jesus is the perfect Mirror and Representation of His Father and because of it we hear and see the Father literally as He is at any particular moment, through everything what Jesus ever said, teach, and did. So for us, in this matter, the Father and His Son Are Both Holy Spirit and Are Both GODS and we can hear and see the Father of Jesus Christ through Jesus Christ Himself (John 12.45) as His perfect Image.
In Acts 3.13 Peter specified only the relationship between Jesus and His Father alone, in which Jesus the Son of His Father GOD is the Servant of His Father Who always fulfilling the will of His Father in everything that His Father Commands Him to say or to do (John 15.10).
GOD Father raised Christ from the dead (Acts 2.24, 3.26) and also made Him Lord and Christ (Acts 2.36). So, everything what Jesus Christ have (Matthew 11.27) (Luke 10.22) (John 3.35, 16.15, 17.7.10), said, and done, everything came from His Father and not from Jesus Himself, even His Titles as Lord and Christ, all came from His Father Who gave it to Him.
It is good to remember that Jesus Christ is not independent, separated, self-governing or self-sufficient GOD, but Creation of His Father, and because of it Jesus Christ reflect His Father GOD in everything that He think, saying, and doing and nothing came from Himself, except Love and Obedience to His Father GOD.
2John 1.9
9. "Everyone who does not abide in the Teaching of Christ but goes beyond it does not have GOD, whoever abides in the Teaching has Both, the Father and the Son."