Well-Known Member
BINGO!!!I believe that any repentant sinner who cries out to the Lord for salvation will be saved.
That said, if we have to lead a sinner to pray the prayer; if we have to tell them what to say, then we have not properly prepared them with the gospel.
We can quote Romans 10:9 (if thou will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, etc) why is more than that required?
Ah, one says, Romans 10:13 says "whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved" Calling on the Lord is the sinner's prayer.
Wait, it says call on the NAME of the Lord.
Paul told the Philippian jailer to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul told the philosophers on Mars Hill that God commands them to repent. And some believed (Acts 17).
Jesus said "except you repent, you'll perish."
Philip told the Ethiopian eunuch to believe, not ask for salvation.
None of those folks were instructed to pray a prayer or ask for salvation.
Are we blowing an uncertain trumpet here?