Well-Known Member
I believe that God raises up governments. I am grateful for many things God has done. I am grateful I am a citizen here as well.
I do want to point out this comment (I missed up my last post which meant to address it):
I do not think you intended it, but this is the argument Roman pagains used against Christians around 250AD. Christians could vote (for senators) and hold office, but they refused. If you are interested you can read the Christian response in Contra Celsum. Christians abstained from politics until Rome made Christianity the official religion (and made politicians "Christian").
Anyway, you list several things that I am concerned with....but these are political. The church has existed in all types of governments (they shined the most in oppressive governments).
What you did not list is a readon a Christian voting for the GOP is doing God's work. As a believer we do not look after our own interests or comforts. We rejoice in persecutions- not seeking it but joyful we are counted worthy.
God tells us not to turn to the concerns of the World. How is becoming involved in world politics not doing exactly that which we write commanded to abstain from doing??
I have asked this several times of several members, but nobody has offered an answer - how is supporting the GOP doing God's work?
The right to vote is one that all free people should cherish would you not agree? That the pagan Romans used the same argument does not negate the argument.
As a Christian I am sure you have a comfortable home and if memory serves you did say you have a boat and liked fishing. When was the last time you were persecuted for your faith?
God did tell us to become concerned with this world {Matthew 25:35-40}. When we as Christians see a wrong and just stand by then are we any better than the pagans of this world?
You have to narrow a focus when you ask how is voting for the GOP doing Gods' work. Gods' work is also resisting evil in all its' forms with whatever means we have.
God used Cyrus, Pharaoh and even Nebuchadnezzar to move His plan along. Even though they were evil God used them.