This is an issue we all face whether you are voting, working in a public school, a hospital that is saving lives on one floor and doing abortions upstairs, being a police officer who is good yet is backing up unjust policies of a corrupt government and so on. Whatever choice you make is going to be partly wrong and in disagreement with others who also have good intentions.
We simply cannot escape the cesspool we live in and so we do the best we can. You have decided to bail out on the Republicans. I have not, so far, but am close. In the meantime, I plan on reminding them that they could pick up votes like yours if they would once again have some consideration for the baby itself. I too, think the new Republican policy is cringeworthy but looking at the numbers I see why they are doing this. Trump, in his clumsy way, effectively got rid of the fake constitutional right to abortion, only to find out our fellow citizens seem to like it after all. I had hoped that we were for the past 50 years being forced to go along with these policies because of a bad judicial decision. It has been disappointing to realize we actually are getting what we collectively want. God help us all.
I agree and disagree.
Working in a public school, for example, is not supporting the "powers of darkness". This is closer to what Paul did (he used his status as a Roman to witness). Now, if the public school forced you to teach evil to children then that would be different. As it is, I know many school teachers who reach children for Christ, who care for children. They would quit if forced to teach evil.
So perhaps in some school systems this would be a problem. Maybe in the future it could be in all public schools. But it isn't at this time. The majority is judged by the minority. My son graduated a couple of years ago, and when he was in public school he saw several of his friends be saved through Christians in the school.
I agree we cannot escape the cesspool. But we do not have to join this cesspool.
I don't mean we avoid reaching out to, and loving, Democrats and Republicans. We have to let people in both political parties know that we are not their opposition, and share the gospel with them.
BUT how can we witness to people of the World if we look identical to them, supporting the same platforms, the same evils, to achieve the same or a competing political agenda?
If I met you at a political event, asked who you supported, and you said "Trump" then I would know you support many of the economic and immigration policies that I believe are important to the nation.
But I would also know that you support abortion as a choice, the normalization of homosexuality, and same sex marriage.
I would not think that you were a Christian because of the evils you are willing to support, even if by compromise.
If you told me you were a Christian I'd take you at your word, but I'd walk away wondering how a Christian could support those evils merely for political gain knowing that it is God who lifts up and tears down nations.
If I were an atheist then I'd view you as wanting an oligarchy, wanting to impose your beliefs on a minority but at the same time supporting the opposite of what you want to force others to obey.
How could you legitimately witness to a young woman seeking an abortion and offer her a better path of you are at the same time supporting a platform that vows to keep abortion a choice?
How can you witness to one caught up in homosexuality if you are supporting a platform that values the normalization of homosexuality and same sex marriage?