The word “spirit” does not exist in the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts, for the word Hebrew word “ruach” and the Greek word “pneuma” always pertains to “wind” and “breath”, for what God gave man to live was not “spirit”, for “spirit” does not exist, but it was “breath”, which is moving air, hence “he breathed into man the airflow of life”, which relates to other passages of scripture that speak of this airflow, such as “the body without the airflow is dead, so belief without works is dead” and “into your hands I commit my airflow, when he had said this, he breathed his last” and “the airflow returns to God who gave it”. As such, angels are able to transform into different forms, such as the form of fire, which is the form the angel that appeared to Moses appeared as, “in flames of fire in a burning bush”, hence “he makes his ministers into flames of fire”, which is a pyronian body, which pertains to a certain type of angel that can transform into this form, which are “seraphim”, which is based on the Hebrew word “saraph”, which means “to burn”, and angels are also able to transform into the form of airflow, hence “he makes his angels into airflows”, which is an aeolian body, which is incorrectly translated as “spiritual body”, and in this form, the body of airflow is then set apart from other ordinary airflows, because it is a body of airflow in which the soul of an angel exists in, thus “set-apart airflow”, which is why the set-apart airflow is described as having emotions, is able to speak, and is able to intercede, which is rendered incorrectly as “holy spirit”. And even though the English word “spirit” is derived from the Latin word “spiritus”, which did indeed mean moving air in the past, the word “spirit” has long lost its original meaning throughout time into a modern idea of “spirit”, making a false distinction between spirit and breath, which does not exist, for they are the same thing, which is why the phrase “I inhale and exhale spirit” no longer makes sense in English, and because of this and the difficulty in disassociating the word “spirit” with the modern idea of “spirit”, a new word must be used in English, that conveys both the flow of air in the sky, “wind”, and the flow of air in the nostrils, “breath”, just as the original words conveyed these exact things, which used one word in the Hebrew and one word in the Greek, where the exact translation into English for the original words is “airflow”.
You can read the full study here The Soul, the Aeolian Body, Death, the Mistranslation of the Word Spirit, and the Identity of the Airflow of God | Wisdom of God .
You can read the full study here The Soul, the Aeolian Body, Death, the Mistranslation of the Word Spirit, and the Identity of the Airflow of God | Wisdom of God .