Since none of you will answer a simple question re Gods decree and your not seeming to realize it would make Him the author of sin.
Here are just a few quotes for you to look over, then tell me that Calvinism does not make God the author of sin/evil.
[N]othing happens accidentally or apart from the just decree of God” ~Theodore Beza
Muller, Christ and the Decree, 84.
“If God had not determined its existence, it could not have had being; unless we suppose sin to be greater than God.” ~William Tucker
Tucker, Predestination, L. xvii, 124, Source: Benson, The Revival and Rejection of an Old Traditional Heresy, 92.
“[N]othing happens accidentally or apart from the just decree of God” ~Theodore Beza
Muller, Christ and the Decree, 84
“If God did not foreordain all things, then he could not know the future. God foreknows and knows all things because He decreed all things to be.” ~Arthur W. Pink
West, The Baptist Examiner, 5.
“Nothing comes to pass contrary to his decree. Nothing happens by chance. Even moral evil, which he abhors and forbids, occurs ‘by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God.’” ~William Shedd
Shedd, Calvinism: Pure and Mixed, 37.
“The Sovereignty of God over all, and his in-dependency, clearly shew, that whatever is done in time is according to his decrees in eternity.” ~John Gill
Gill, A Body of Doctrinal and Practical Divinity, 173.
“God did certainly decree from the beginning everything which should befall the race of man.” ~John Calvin
John Calvin, Concerning the Secret Providence of God, 266, Source: Vance, The Other Side of Calvinism, 288.
Jonathan Edwards states the logical conclusion that, “The eternal decree is the cause of the necessary futurition of evil acts, for the acts inevitably follow on the decree.”He also says, “If God by his decree did force men’s wills, and so necessitate them to be vicious and wicked, then he might justly be called the Author of Sin.”
Jonathan Edwards, On the Decrees, Book I, Ch. 3, 125, Source: Benson, The Revival and Rejection of an Old Traditional Heresy, 41.
I am sure you will try to twist these quotes to make Calvinism sound virtuous but the reality is that what it shows is that Calvinism makes God the primary cause of sin and evil.
As I said before Calvinists seem to be more concerned about protecting the LBCF and Calvinism than they are about the character of God. Sad really.