I would feel uncomfortable in a church in America where America is verbally cursed and God blasphemed as has been aired on television before the last election took place.Would you feel uncomfortable visiting in the congregation of a Baptist church in China where an entire sermon was devoted to praising the nation of China and bashing all her enemies? You would probably be screaming inside: "Preach the Bible, idiot! I didn't come here for nationalist propaganda. We're all Baptists, after all."
It makes me uncomfortable that this blasphemy didn't seem to matter to the majority of those who voted.
My local church doesn't preach politically oriented sermons apart from sermons which included warnings against certain agenda items which violate certain principles laid down in the Scripture as the pastor exposits the Bible book by book.
Personally, I have little use for right or left wing alarmists.
What will be will be and I can live under any government and hopefully find contentment in any state I find myself.
But I feel that there is a bad wind beginning to blow in my beloved country even among Christians and I do not intend to participate in the storm of hate it is going to bring.
I will quietly do all that the Scripture and the law of the land allows to take actions (e.g. redress of grievance) and/or to vote and pray out of office those whose words or deeds prove them unworthy or those whose words versus their deeds prove them unworthy.
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