Repent means a change of mind. In respect to salvation it is a change of mind from rebellion against God and the sinful lifestyle one was living, and then a change of mind toward God, making that change that now I will submit to the authority of God.DHK,
I ask you questions.
What is a 'repent'?
Do the Early Church people during between 30 A.D. to 95 A.D., while N.T. books were continue written, - understood the word, "repent"?
What is the repent of???
In Christ
Rev. 22:20 -Amen!
I have changed my mind with respect to God. Once it was rebellious; now it is submissive. That is repentance. It happens when one puts their faith in Christ. It is the flip side of faith. Faith and Biblical repentance go hand in hand. Obviously if one puts their faith in Christ, they are repenting, or changing their mind about who can save them and change their lives.
It is an impossibility for any unsaved person to repent from their sins.
You try the test. You can't even remember all the sins of your lifetime, let alone repent from then. How can you repent from each individual sin if you can't even remember them. Repent of all your sins is impossible, impractical, and unbiblical. You would be all day and then some trying to remember and repent of each individual sin in your life and then repenting of each one. "Repent of all your sins" Impossible!