Lux et veritas
New Member
Why did you stop at verse 17? Why not get the full context. Read the rest of the chapter right down to verse 21?
Romans 10:21 But to Israel he saith, All day long I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people.
The Scripture is basically talking about Israel. Even verse 16, that precedes verse 17 is a quote from Isaiah. Israel had heard the Word of God many times over, and had still rejected the Saviour. Isaiah's complaint was: "Who has believed our report?" The answer was: "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God." Where doe is say that faith is a "gift of God," except for believers. It doesn't.
We all (saved and unsaved alike) practice faith every day. I put my keys in my ignition of my car. When I turn them, in faith I trust that my car will start. I have no guarantees. The object of my faith here is my car. The other day my car did not start. Did my faith fail me. No. Man is fallible, and the Ford company is composed of fallible men who produce fallible products that aren't perfect. But we can put our faith in a perfect God, who has written a perfect book, who will never fail. Faith is confidence in the word of another. Would you rather put your confidence in the word of the Ford dealership or put your confidence in the Lord. Would you rather put your confidence in Obama or in the Lord? Who or what is the object of your faith. In whom or what do you put your confidence in? Usually the confidence of the rich is in their money. They put their trust and faith in their riches to see them through life.
Where does that faith come from. It doesn't come from God. When an unbeliever comes to God, his faith comes from himself. He can decide to put his faith or confidence in God or in his riches. He must make the choice. It is his choice to make. He must decide what to put his faith in. God does not give him faith to put in his riches. God does not give him faith to put in Christ. It is that simple.
I figure you probably won't accept this, but for those who are reading I'll answer you. Paul is laying down a principle about faith. And then in v.18, he says "BUT I say..." and deals with the question of Israel's rejection and answers the question as to whether they heard the gospel or not. He says they did. And their rejection would be why God would judge them.