[SIZE=-1]Be aware of forum Categories. We offer a wide range of forums. Most are for BAPTISTS only, to post opinions, views, beliefs and ideas. We also have a few forums for BAPTISTS and all other CHRISTIANS, with pertinent topics that relate to everyone.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Use discretion when posting.
There is also a section about posting opinions as fact. One would well to consider that advice. We contend for the faith. But in Calvinism and eschatology there are many different opinions. We cannot state our opinions as fact and at the same time condemn others either as heretics or their positions as heresy or "of Satan." This is against the rules. Your opinion is not necessarily the correct one. It is your opinion no matter how convinced you are on it. Leave it there, and leave the judgement in God's hands.
[/SIZE] 3. Show grace to the other posters. When someone disagrees with you, discuss it; but be slow to offend, and eager to get into the Word and find the answers. Remember, when discussing passionate issues, it is easy to go too far and offend. Further, if we are "earnestly contending for the faith" it would be unrealistic not to expect at times to be misunderstood or even ridiculed. But please note that your words can sometimes be harsh if used in the wrong way. The anger of man worketh not the righteousness of God.
4. Personal attacks will not be tolerated. The board has an edit button enabled. We encourage you to use it and edit your own words. Moderators and Administrators will be visibly proactive in dealing with potentially offensive situations. Posts of a violent or threatening nature, either implicitly or explicitly, will be deleted, and the poster's membership revoked. We encourage personal problems with other members be resolved privately via email or personal messaging.