Then what do you make of these verses?When names are added to the book the Holy Scripture is silent. [Why names are removed or never remove is answered.]
In the NT, no or not written, not when. And not blotted/removed.
The ones who will not perish per Revelation 20:15.
Revelation 17
The beast that you saw—it was, and now is no more, but is about to come up out of the Abyss and go to its destruction. And those who dwell on the earth whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world will marvel when they see the beast that was, and is not, and yet will be.
7Then the beast was permitted to wage war against the saints and to conquer them, and it was given authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. 8And all whodwell on the earth will worship the beast— all whose names have not been written from the foundation of the world in the Book of Life belonging to the Lamb who was slain. 9He who has an ear, let him hear:…