You've stated you know what Calvinists believe, yet you don't read their materials? How can this be possible?
I have been reading Calvinist articles and debating with Calvinists here for five years. I understand Calvinism quite well, in fact, I understand it far better than you, because if you truly understood it, you would reject it.
I know that is begging the question, but it is true nevertheless.
I was right where you're at now. I thought I had Calvinism down pat, knew what it entailed, &c. Boy was I wrong.
No, you ALWAYS thought faith was a gift, and that was your Achilles heel. You always believed Total Inability. And anyone who truly believes Total Inability will eventually become a Calvinist, it is the logical progression.
I do believe in a type of inability, I do not believe any man is born with the knowledge of the true God or the gospel of Christ. And of course, you cannot believe what you do not know, so men are born unable to believe. This is scriptural, this is what Paul taught.
Rom 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed?
and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
There is not other scripture that so directly addresses the question of HOW a man believes on Jesus. This scripture is directly addressing ABILITY. Does Paul ask how a man can believe unless he has been regenerated? NOPE, and this is a tremendous OMISSION if Calvinism is true. How could Paul fail to mention the most important doctrine of all? Calvinism is FOUNDED on Total Inability and the doctrine that man must be regenerated to believe. Yet Paul completely forgets or neglects to mention it here, or ANYWHERE in scripture.
Amazing, you believe something that is not taught in scripture anywhere. Your whole doctrine is built on NOTHING. Sad, but true.
No, Paul simply asks how man can believe in Jesus unless he has heard of him, because this is what man lacks, KNOWLEDGE. Man must hear of Jesus to believe in him, and a preacher must be sent so that men can hear. Once a man hears the Word of God, he is enabled to either believe it, or reject it.
So, this is the only inability in scripture, the inability to believe what you have never heard.
You, Wes, have the wrong picture of what Calvinism is. You have erected this picture of an ugly ogre wielding a ginormous club, with his knuckles dragging the ground. That's not the picture.
Oh, that is not how I picture Calvinism at all. Calvinism is very slick, very sophisticated, and this is one of it's major draws. It appeals especially to people who "wannabe" intellectuals. People think if they understand Calvinism, this makes them much wiser that others, just like Eve thought that forbidden fruit would make her wise. Some things never change.
Calvinism is logical and consistent within itself, but it is completely illogical and inconsistent with scripture.
The picture of true Calvinism is one of God not forbidding anyone from approaching Him. They are all willfully fleeing from Him, with no desire to come to Him. In His mercy, love, and kindness, He reaches out and draws those He chooses to, to be saved. Without Him doing this, none of us would have been saved.
If men can only come to God and believe in Jesus if God regenerates them, then he indeed forbids the non-elect from coming or believing. If he wanted them to come and believe he would regenerate them. He doesn't, so obviously he doesn't want them to come or believe.
It doesn't matter that they are not willing, the elect weren't willing either.
Calvinism believes God is like a person who discovers two persons who have purposely taken an overdose of drugs to kill themselves. He decides to save one, and lets the other die.
Let's say you came across two persons who had purposely taken an overdose of drugs to kill themselves. Are you responsible to call a medic to try and save them?
Or is it perfectly OK to let one or both of them die Willis? Or should you try to save them?
That will be a test to see how much of your conscience still remains, or if it is completely seared.