But that is not His sole attribute. He is also a God of wrath and vengeance you should know.
Who did God show wrath and vengeance to for those endless ages before creation?
But there was love within the trinity all that time wasn't there??
Think on that a bit.
The Almighty doesn't try. That is an insult to His perfections.
Is is not an insult, it is the truth.
Mat 23:37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!
This is what I said about Calvinists rejecting scripture to hold to Calvinism. The scriptures are absolutely clear that God calls to men to come to him and be saved, but men refuse. This is God "trying" to save men, but being frustrated. And this is exactly what the scriptures show over and over again.
But you prefer Calvinism over scripture.
The Lord is not under any obligation to save anyone. It is not necessary. He chooses whom He desires for His own reasons. He doesn't answer to anyone --least of all you.Everything He does is absolutely pure and just.
Legally, no. Morally, yes.
What Calvinist uses that kind of terminology? The Lord specializes in melting hearts --making rocky hearts fleshy. Time to put away your strawman toys.
Just because you deny a term doesn't mean your system demands that term. R.C. Sproul called Irresistible Grace "the Holy rape of the soul".
He just tells it like it is and doesn't deny the obvious as you do.
You Calvinists seem to think saying "We don't say that" gets you off the hook. Maybe with simpletons.