I agree.Originally posted by David Ekstrom:
There is a false link between a hyper-literal interpretation of Gen 1 and inerrancy. I completely reject the false association. It's a slippery slope argument.
BTW, Charles Hodge, in many ways, one who could be considered the father of fundamentalism, did not hold to a young earth. He discusses this in his systematic theology.
YEC who say that their interpretation is the correct one and then accuse all others of denying inerrancy are just plain wrong.
A historical-grammatical hermeneutic of Genesis 1-2 does not, IMO, teach that God created the whole universe in six days or that he created the sun, moon, and stars on day four.
I believe that the text actually teaches that the universe was created an undefined period of time ago. Genesis 1:2 teaches that the Holy Spirit hovered. It doesn't say for how long.
What did the Holy Spirit hover over? The foundation of the earth in its original creation. Geneses 1:1-2 describes God's creative power in stretching out the heavens (which includes the sun, moon, stars, planets, solar systems, galaxies, and the earth's core)!
Only later, after the Holy Spirit was done hovering, did God fashion the earth's biosphere in six literal 24 hour days.
A hyper-literal interpretation of the ENGLISH text creates havoc with the creation account. They would have us believe that God created in empty space a formless, shapeless watery planet and suspended it in space without the sun, moon, stars, or any other object in the universe!
They would have us believe that the light for the plants on day three did not come from the sun.
They misinterpret day one and read into the text. They ignore Job 38:4-9. They ignore all of the other texts in Scripture that speak of God stretching out the heavens and laying the "foundation" of the earth. Verses that accord with Genesis 1:1-2.
They have one desire, prove that the universe is 10 to 15 thousand years old, even though galaxies are billions of light years away from the earth! That would be a good reason for the Holy Spirit to hover or brood for an undefined period of time!
And then ignoring all other Scriptural evidence and natural observations to the contrary, they claim they are correct and everyone else is contradicting inerrancy.
My interpretation, which comes from Gorman Gray, allows for an old universe and a recent biosphere for the earth. And I think it is a literal interpretation of the text, squares with Scripture and Science, and maintains inerrancy.
I'm with you David.
I don't understand why so many won't accept that God created a fully functioning universe as described in Scripture and introduced in Genesis 1:1-2.
Genesis 1:3ff is clearly a description of God forming and filling a "formless" and "empty" planet, and not a description of creating a universe.
Day one: Light filters through to the earth's watery surface (Job 38:4-9). The conclusion is that God thinned the clouds that surrounded the planet earth.
Day two: God separates the water above from the water below and calls the expanse "sky." God is forming the atmosphere!
Day three: God pulls the water below into one place revealing land. God calls the gathered water "seas", and the dry ground, "land."
Then God begins to fill the ground with vegetation.
Day four: God pulls the clouds completely back and reveals the Sun, moon, and stars. He "asa" (appointed) them to govern the day and the night!
Days five and six, God continues to fill the sky, land, seas, and all that is in them! Exodus 20:11! A reference to the six days of forming and filling the earth making it habitable for man. A literal Hebrew rendering: "For six days God made the sky, the land, the seas, and all that is in them." Exactly what Genesis 1:3ff describes and Isaiah 45:18 explains.
[ July 07, 2005, 11:28 AM: Message edited by: Paul33 ]