Originally posted by HankD:
They do give that appearance and I accept it as such, an appearance, but even at that we may not have all of the facts and/or we may not be interpreting this "history" which is "written" in beams of light and rocks correctly.
Aren't you now disputing the appearance of age that your argument assumes to exist? If the apparent age of the beams of light is acknowledged, as I thought you were doing before (at least for the sake of argument), then the apparent history is there as well. I don't see how one could claim that the beams of light were created old but the history recorded along them is recent. (God knows better than to put "new wine in old wineskins"!

) Similarly, it is not only the rocks that are dated old, but also the fossils within them.
If the appearance of age does exist, then we should use it for scientific purposes, because the apparent age will be more useful for equations and projections than any other age. That's why old-earth geology allows companies to find oil while young-earth geology isn't used. It doesn't work. If it did work, they would use it, because their commitment to the dollar is far higher than any zeal they have to spite creationists. If God wanted to make the universe look old, it would take considerable hubris to think that scientific methods would be able to see through his disguise. On the other hand, if the appearance of age does not exist, why do virtually all scientists in applicable fields see it?
Also we don't know that the wine or the loaves or the fishes did not have these similar appearances of "histories" "written" into their rna-dna etc, they certainly may have and I believe that they did.
In that case, your argument moves from what we know in another case based on Scripture's testimony to what may be true based on details Scripture doesn't reveal. I can just as easily say that I believe there would be no way for an observer to track down the history of those grapes to a specific vineyard and a specific vat. I think we can both agree that there would be no way for an observer
in that time period to conduct such an analysis. In other words, when Jesus did that miracle, he did not also make an alternate historical explanation for the wine that could be apprehended by anyone who saw the wine. But, when it comes to the universe, we do have that historical explanation for how and when it was created, and we have the God-given faculties to be able to analyze it.