Tariffs were a big part of the Biden-Harris administration as well. We just didn't talk about it. One of their biggest tariff increases went into effect this past September."With President Trump’s return to office after the Biden interregnum, we can be sure of one thing: tariffs are going to be a major part of his policy. He has touted tariffs as revenue generators, as ways to bring back manufacturing, and as negotiating tactics. The trouble is that all of these are in tension with each other, and none are particularly effective at what they purport to do. Indeed, their likely failure will result in harm to the people Trump claims to care for the most — working-class families.
To sum up, the three arguments for tariffs can only seriously be advanced by someone suffering from advanced cognitive dissonance. They are poor revenue raisers, they cause net harm to manufacturing, and they backfire as negotiating tools. These three objectives are mutually exclusive, and ineffective even when taken individually. A better policy would focus on reducing costs to the consumer."
- excerpt from Debunking the Three Best Arguments for Tariffs | The Daily Economy
But Trump was referring to tariffs more like the Reciprocal Tariffs (not the Smoot-Hawley Tariffs). And the Reciprocal tariffs worked.
Why you think the US ending tariffs while paying tariffs to foreign countries is a good thing is beyond me.