No. Just his followers.So, the left is Satan.
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No. Just his followers.So, the left is Satan.
babylonthe what?
Boy, looks like setting the stage for coming of the one world religion, all under the guise of peace and tolerance!
They won't do anything.Take heart. They won't succeed until the restrainer is taken away.
It helps if you can tie what you say to the historic Ecumenical Creeds. You can show a real difference between you and them especially in the Deity of Christ and the Trinity. Also useful for every wind of new doctrine since the 1800s.Recently became part of another Board, and what really surprised me was being taking to task by Admin for daring to question that groups such as Sda, Mormons, and JW were not really Christian!
We have issues here, but thankfully not like that!
I'm glad you asked. The best way to explain might be contrasting it with liberalism.
Left or Liberal?
Some of what I've debated against on the other forums is Oneness (Modal Monarchianism), Unitarianism, Universalism, JWs, Mid Acts Dispensationalism, Pentecostalism, above and beyond what we discuss here. I tie everything I say to the Ecumenical Creeds showing solid support from historic Christianity.Recently became part of another Board, and what really surprised me was being taking to task by Admin for daring to question that groups such as Sda, Mormons, and JW were not really Christian!
We have issues here, but thankfully not like that!
Boy, looks like setting the stage for coming of the one world religion, all under the guise of peace and tolerance!
Not to detract from the good job that you are doing, but for the last 100 years or so there has been a theology called liberalism and it is classified as cultic--so there is a liberal theology. I would say that liberal theology denies miracles, thinks that Scripture is allegory or inaccurate, and denies the standard doctrines of Christianity such as the deity of Jesus, the Trinity, the Virgin Birth, the Resurrection, etc. One of the more notorious of the liberal theology cult's activities was the infamous Jesus Seminar.
I would surmise, leftism and islam will be the two competing ideologies post rapture.
They almost are now in my opinion. Feminism does not know what to do with Islam because you will recall that back east in Massachusetts someone put out a computer printed sign that said Islam was RIGHT about women and the women called the police. And then there is the little point about slavery in Islam, not that the left minds slavery, but at the moment slavery is being used by the left to indict the West. And another serious point about Islam is that they openly murder homosexuals and the left does not want to do that until they assume absolute control as Castro has in in Cuba where the only homosexuals left alive are the ones who cavort with foreign tourists. And then there is the racism of Islam, almost openly displayed. So the real difference between the left and Islam is just a matter of who is in charge since they both have the same idea but that the left is still using the vices of Islam as a weapon against the lower classes until the left can take control. But Islam will win because Islam is made up only of Muslims and they do not hesitate to murder each other but the left is a weak coalition of feminists and homosexuals and pedophiles and criminals and misfits and they are too soft to challenge the united front of Islam on the march for 1400 years to conquer the world.
It'll be interesting. Right now they seemed to have formed an awkward unholy alliance.
I wouldn't, however, count out the violent capabilities of the left. Let's not forget Stalin.
Ah, you make another excellent point! "An awkward unholy alliance" is a perfect description of the enemies of the free world!
Yes, the left depends on violence and murder to gain and keep power but the American left consists of decadent, lazy misfits from the upper classes and they are perverts and addicts with vegan diets and not physically tough like murderer Stalin, in my opinion. Few if any have had military training. Many do not even have jobs and few do physical labor, in my opinion.
Another fact about Stalin is that he was highly educated for a thug psychopath.
Exactly. Violence is one of the factors the separates leftists from liberals. We've seem them before, and they're trying to make a comeback.
Yes! We saw them in 1968 with the Weathermen, a very tough bunch of street fighters. They were better disciplined and much tougher than Antifa & BLM. Soros has been the paymaster of the left because he hates the USA, probably because we defeated Germany.
Satan is only for Satan. They will have to align with him, not the other way around.There's an escatahplogical debate regarding which group antichrist will identify with. Many believe he will be a muslim, and the arguments are interesting. I think, however, he'll be a simple ecumenical leftist. All religions are valid, so long as you don't think yours is right. Ultimately, the head of your government is the final authority you will bow down do. His heritage will be European keeping with the revived Roman Empire prophecies.
Or I may be completely and totally wrong.![]()
There's an escatahplogical debate regarding which group antichrist will identify with. Many believe he will be a muslim, and the arguments are interesting. I think, however, he'll be a simple ecumenical leftist. All religions are valid, so long as you don't think yours is right. Ultimately, the head of your government is the final authority you will bow down do. His heritage will be European keeping with the revived Roman Empire prophecies.
Or I may be completely and totally wrong.![]()
Has he claimed to be Jesus Christ?I think that Pope Francis is the Anti-Christ.
Satan is only for Satan. They will have to align with him, not the other way around.