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Amil is just as heretical. They declare this reign is also now right along with the other so called heretics.The Millennium is a Pharisee Doctrine.
First, MILLENNIUM: MILLENNIUM - JewishEncyclopedia.com
By: Joseph Jacobs, A. Biram
Table of Contents
Messianic Period an Interregnum.
The reign of peace, lasting one thousand years, which will precede the Last Judgment and the future life. The concept has assumed especial importance in the Christian Church, where it is termed also “chiliasm,” designating the dominion of Jesus with the glorified and risen saints over the world for a thousand years. Chiliasm or the idea of the millennium is, nevertheless, older than the Christian Church; for the belief in a period of one thousand years at the end of time as a preliminary to the resurrection of the dead was held in Parseeism. This concept is expressed in Jewish literature in Enoch, xiii., xci. 12-17; in the apocalypse of the ten weeks, in Apoc. Baruch, xl. 3 (“And his dominion shall last forever, until the world doomed to destruction shall perish”); and in II Esdras vii. 28-29. Neither here nor in later Jewish literature is the duration of this Messianic reign fixed. It is clear, however, that the rule of the Messiah was considered as an interregnum, from the fact that in many passages, such as Pes. 68a, Ber. 34b, Sanh. 91b and 99a, Shab. 63a, 113b, and 141b, a distinction is made between and , although it must be noted that some regarded the Messianic rule as the period of the fulfilment of the prophecies, while others saw in it the time of the subjugation of the nations.
So it is no wonder Millennialism found its way into the first century Church comprised mainly of former Jews.
But in time, the church condemned it as heresy. First, According to the Nicene Creed
………………. and He shall come again, with glory, to judge both the living and the dead; Whose kingdom shall have no end.
Sproul, R. C. (Ed.). (2015). The Reformation Study Bible: English Standard Version (2015 Edition) (p. 2389). Orlando, FL: Reformation Trust.
And condemned as heresy by the Council of Ephesus in 431 in two ways.
“In addition to its condemnation of Nestorianism, the council also condemned
Pelagianism, [2] and rejected premillennialism (Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Papias,
Tertullian, Origen, Lactantius) in favor of Amillennialism (Clement of
Alexandria, Chrysostom, Jerome and Augustine of Hippo): "Augustine's
explanation became Church doctrine when it was adopted as the definitive
explanation of the millennium by the Council of Ephesus in 431."[35]
Secondly, “Canon 7 condemned any departure from the creed established by the First Council of Nicaea (325)” This affirmed Jesus “shall come again, with glory, to judge both the living and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.” Thereby denouncing premillennialism and the doctrines leading up to and including Dispensationalism of the 1800s.
Retrieved from Council of Ephesus - Wikipedia
That is the whole point, no?
The Pharisees were expecting this reign. Jesus said in the shortest form, "not yet". The time of the Gentiles had to come first. Unless you can prove John was teaching a Pharisee doctrine in Revelation 20, then your assertion any one does, falls flat. Isaiah was not a Pharisee, yet he prophecied about a coming kingdom. The Pharisees had to base it on more than just non accepted writings.
You are still basing your own argument on 1000 which you claim is not literal. You have yet to point out those writings point to a literal 1000 year time frame. So far only John in Revelation 20 has literally described it as that. Saying chiliasm is a thing and proving those in Judaism prior to the first coming called it a thing is not the same thing.
John declared it an event after the Second Coming. Not after the first coming.