For you who doubt conspiracy theories....... the Bible even teaches that from the beginning the
mystery of iniquiry is working in this world. If you wish to call the exposure of that 'mystery' a 'conspiracy' then fine.
But if you wish to debunk the facts presented in this and similar documentaries then prove that its only a 'theory'.
Let's examine the facts: Is it fact or theory that China limits family growth and penalizes....make that penializes those who conspire to keep their children and carry their pregnacies full term?
Is it fact or theory regarding the response of planets like Mars, Jupiter, Saturn to the heat of the sun? The earth is closer: Is it fact or theory to think that earth isn't similarly effected by the solar heat of the sun.... or that man's contribution (some figure to max out at only 3% effect) on the environment is sufficient to alter the effects of the sun upon our planet?
Here's another video....just shy of 10 minutes of your time.
Does Al Gore, with his excesses of 'carbon footprint' (private jet, home and lifestyle) really act like a man with convictions regarding the envirnoment? Now add in his encouragement for carbon tax and cap in trade: He makes a boast of how he purchases 'carbon off-set credits' to make up for his impact on the environment.... Ever wonder about the 'purchase'? Its a scam and he owns interest and his 'purchase' helps to line his own pockets. So will the 'carbon credits' which we may be paying or 'taxed' on someday. His inconveinent truth is a carefully designed propaganda advertisement for the elite to get richer and for limiting the exercise of our freedoms.
What about Ted Turner and his candid quotes? What about Bill Gates' philanthorpy? Warren Buffet's? Is it really for good causes or front organizations with hidden agendas? What about the advocation of mass population reduction via biologics promoted by celebrated biologist, Dr. Eric Pianka? Is it just by accident that we have an 'Earth Day' and the earth and 'mother earth' is rising to the level of diety? The Christian footprint in the public schools is stealthly being silenced but we are having 'state promoted religion' and hardly recognize it.
How about the quotes of Ted Turner? David Rockerfeller? Henry Kissinger? (There are more.... not mentioned in this film.... the positions of Jacque Cousteau, Darwin, Margaret Saenger, Adolf Hitler, ....the list goes on.)
" Eugenics- 'Is the study of the agencies under social control, that improve or impair the racial qualities of future generations either physically or mentally.' Sir Francis Galton"
Sure, its only conincidence that Robert Thomas Malthais proposed the collapse of food as a means to control and remove the poor from the earth. It is only conincidence that Monsanto and similar industry has risen to controls of chemicals which help produce and manipulate crops AND developed biotechnology and genetic modification of seeds designed to give them a monopoly and control of agriculture. It is only coincidence that the blessings of the USDA, FDA, etc. allow unrestrictive implimentation of agri-industry... and big pharma .... and refuse to address the concerns of farmers and consumers who want closer scrutiny of this industry and research data: It is only coincidence that scientist keep jobs who are company loyalists: only coincidence that research drawn up by company insiders gets published by 'qualified' persons not even associated with companies and their research but who are 'paid' to affix their title and credentials to the publications to make it to appear that data was independant. It is only coincidence that meds appear on the market which actually do the opposite of what they're reported to do: a drug to promote energy in cancer patients... actually contributes to tumor aggression and spread: drugs to control cholesterol to reduce heart attacks actually increase the incidence and severity of heart attacks and strokes: professionally, doctors who promote nutritional and natural supports to maintanance or 'cures' of chronic conditions are ostracized by peer majorities..... whose education and knowledge of medicine was subsidized by big pharma. Sure, it is only coincidence that government, particularly our government, has aligned itself with industries which exert control of production and availability of resources for the needs of its people....against the voice of the people who want answers to their questions and see the advancement of control over their freedoms of choice. It is only coincidence that the UK, particularly Australia... and now Canada is controlling herbal and vitamin suppliments.... and the USA has passed similar CODEX which is already in subtle process of shutting down the alternative choices of health maintanance to people.