Dear RightFromWrong,
Please note this post I edited:
Bro. Dallas Eaton
Please note this post I edited:
Bro. Dallas Eaton
Originally posted by RightFromWrong:
Dr. Bob is my hero he is sound and well balanced and I love his bow tie, if only I had the courage to sport such a tie, then I too could be sound and well balanced and finally be a true outspoken conservative instead of only holding aspirations.
May God Bless Dr. Bob with many spiritual and temporal blessings for I know a church in Cookeville TN. which received much encouragement toward organization last year because of the love and compassion of Dr. Bob.
Please do not make assessments of people based upon the areas of truth they are burdened to defend. If you do please do not go to the Calvinism/Arminianism forum as you will see in the archives and in some more recent posts my own impassioned defense of what I believe to be Biblical truth.
We each have our idea of what is and is not absolute truth, I admire your stand on what you believe however you must learn that through discussion boards and email lists people are not facing you and do not have liberty to observe your body gestures nor mine and often our words are perceived (honestly and innocently) as being judgmental, arrogant and prideful. The closer a specific topic is to us as truth the more likely we are to become emotional in our defense of it.
Because you seemed to wrongfully assess Dr. Bob I have edited your post; I am now editing all other posts that give the same appearance toward other members.
Please, give your topics time to gain interest among the new posters and measure your words in your opening posts and responses so that you do not scare new members away. Many old members have seen these discussions several times and simply opt to not participate, those who do subsequently opt to discontinue participation when they feel attacked or either move into defense mode. I am no more or no less, often I try to bite my tongue and simply ignore certain posts, at other times I fail in this attempt and find myself indulging in the flesh to enter into argument rather than edifying discussion or debate.
I truly believe you are the kind of person you describe to us in person, however, you say no one knows you on here so for that reason it is ok to become someone else who is or gives the appearance of being intolerant of varying opinions or open disagreements?
You are certainly wise and Scriptural in remaining silent in your church and Bible study meetings, this is not the church, you have every opportunity to post and engage in wonderful blessed discussion and even lively debate, but remember even the best debaters sometimes must learn to take it on the chin.
May God Richly Bless us all to learn more of His Grace and Mercy,
Bro. Dallas Eaton