(2) Your Colossians passage is just another description
of what happens to one who has just been born-again!
It describes the INITIAL state of the BAC.
It says
"...having forgiven you all trespasses...", not some of them.
Their forgiveness of sins was total in nature, and describes not only the "initial state" ( whatever that is ), but the continuous, eternal state of every believer whose sins are removed from God's sight by the blood of His Son... as far as east is from west.
He will remember their sins and iniquities no more...
Not one single one of them.
Samuels, would you have me to believe that all of my sins are
not forgiven, and that my salvation rests upon the continuous and burdensome treadmill of "keeping myself saved" by my own efforts at pleasing Him?
It seems that I have news for you...
My efforts at gaining His favor weren't good enough to please Him when I
was dead in trespasses and sins,
and they surely are not good enough to please Him
after He made me a new creature and I've believed on His Son.
only thing that the Lord finds pleasing is my faith
in His Son's efforts on my behalf.
One either
has God's unmerited favor, or one does not.
One is either elect, or one is not.
God's grace
cannot be earned, my friend.
Not by
any means.
Also, the Scriptures below tell me many things:
John 6:39 tells me that not one of the ones that were given to Christ by His Father shall be lost.
John 5:24 tells me that those who believe already have ( not will have ) everlasting life and will not come into condemnation.
John 10:28-29 tell me that no one can pluck me out of God's hand...not even myself.
Romans 8:29-30 tells me that that I was foreknown, predestinated, called, justified and ( will be ) glorified someday.
John 6:44 tells me that no man can come to Christ unless the Father draws them...
And Christ WILL raise up whoever is drawn ( and given to Him ) by His Father ( John 6:39, John 6:65, John 17:2 ) on the last day.
Samuels, it seems that you really do not understand the difference between a "wheat" and a "tare"...
A true believer who has been called by the power of God's Spirit and His word, and a false "believer" who has not.
A person whom God has chosen and caused to approach Him ( Psalms 65:4 ) and a person whom the Lord has not chosen, nor caused to approach Him...
But has rather tried to approach Him through a system of good works.
The Lord Jesus explains these two parables at great length in Matthew 13, Mark 4 and Luke 8.
I encourage you to read them, and then carefully re-read the Lord's explanation of them to His disciples who asked Him about them in private.
Not everyone that thinks that they are saved, really is.