New Member
I agree with you brother. All I am saying is a person that is not studied and grounded properly could be confused by something like this.Originally posted by PASTOR MHG:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SavedbyHISGrace:
Brother Max
I understand what you are saying here. However, there must be some conclusive teaching from Scripture, as to whether the Godhead is Trinitarian, or Oneness? Further, can a person deny the teaching of the Trinity, and yet be considered as a true believer? The Oneness teaching is in direct contradiction to what the Bible teaches.
Note, Matthew 28:19, where Jesus says:
"...baptizing them into the Name, of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit"
Here we have the singular Name, YHWH, God, and yet the Persons so mentioned are yet distinct. You see, in the Greek, each Person mentioned here, is with the definite article, which is used when a distinction is intended. However, the unity of these Three Persons, is that they have the One Name, YHWH.
Likewise in John 10:30, Jesus says: "I and the Father are one". Where "I" and "The Father (ho Pater), two Persons, which is also seen in the use of the masculine plural, "We are" (esmsn), and then we have the singular neuter, "hen", literally, "one thing". Not a unity of "will" as some suppose, but as can be seen from the preceeding verses(no one can snatch them out of My hand...My Father's hand), we have a unity of "essence" here.
These and many other Scriptures clearly destroys the heresy of Oneness.
Max </font>[/QUOTE]Sure