Sorry wrong again.
When I got saved I was not given a doctrinal sermon on all the ends and out of how to become a Christian. I was working ( 2 months )in upstate NY working with horses and on my day off I would hitchike ( no bus transportation )to my friends a 1/2 hour away Woodstock. One day a man gave me a ride and for some reason I told him I was depressed so he shared with me how God had changed his life ( ironically he was saved in Ca ) anyway, he was a Pentacostle and from what I remember I never heard any doctrine, all I remember was his testimony and that I wanted the JOY that he had. He asked me to ask God for forgivness of sins and ask him into my heart et.
I honestly believe I was saved because in my HEART and mind I had personally asked God to TAKE OVER CONTROL of my life and to GUIDE me in all things. That is what saved me, my making Jesus LORD of my life not doctrine.
My 13 year old son was saved at 4 years old and I mean truely saved ! He was so changed right from the get go. He cried and was so aware of good and evil, he would tell us things he did wrong when he didn't even have to always confessing. He even got most thoughtful in preschool. And he was saved through the WORDLESS Book, all he knew was he was a sinner and he needed forgiveness. That is the way MOST people get saved. I bet most don't even hear about Christ Lordship till after.
So the one who believes you can lose your salvation due to false doctrine and the one who believes Jesus is the Son of God but NOT fully God because of false doctrine are the same.
Bottom line is either both these people are not saved, or they are both saved just mislead. So which is it? All boils down to false doctrine and misqouting scripture.
Sorry wrong again.
When I got saved I was not given a doctrinal sermon on all the ends and out of how to become a Christian. I was working ( 2 months )in upstate NY working with horses and on my day off I would hitchike ( no bus transportation )to my friends a 1/2 hour away Woodstock. One day a man gave me a ride and for some reason I told him I was depressed so he shared with me how God had changed his life ( ironically he was saved in Ca ) anyway, he was a Pentacostle and from what I remember I never heard any doctrine, all I remember was his testimony and that I wanted the JOY that he had. He asked me to ask God for forgivness of sins and ask him into my heart et.
I honestly believe I was saved because in my HEART and mind I had personally asked God to TAKE OVER CONTROL of my life and to GUIDE me in all things. That is what saved me, my making Jesus LORD of my life not doctrine.
My 13 year old son was saved at 4 years old and I mean truely saved ! He was so changed right from the get go. He cried and was so aware of good and evil, he would tell us things he did wrong when he didn't even have to always confessing. He even got most thoughtful in preschool. And he was saved through the WORDLESS Book, all he knew was he was a sinner and he needed forgiveness. That is the way MOST people get saved. I bet most don't even hear about Christ Lordship till after.
So the one who believes you can lose your salvation due to false doctrine and the one who believes Jesus is the Son of God but NOT fully God because of false doctrine are the same.
Bottom line is either both these people are not saved, or they are both saved just mislead. So which is it? All boils down to false doctrine and misqouting scripture.