Well did I say that YOU were corrupting the gospel?
The absurd notion of a 6000+ year old young earth is an essential, fundamental doctrine of Christianity is dangerous. Is it any wonder that those that have made it a primary doctrine have corrupted the gospel message to the point that many modern scientists have turned their back on Christianity.
I do view a six day creation and a young earth as a primary doctrinal position.
So I ask again, how have I corrupted the Gospel through this position?
Secondly, to place the responsibility for "modern scientists" rejecting the Gospel is, to use your own terms—absurd. The more likely cause for this rejection is their training in science, but ultimately they themselves are responsible. There is only One Person with the ability to influence the hearts of men, and that is God. When a man rejects God, it is not because of his knowledge, it is due to his will. The very Ministry of the Holy Spirit is to show truth to the unbeliever, and all knowledge including scientific knowledge, stands outside of that ministry. It is a matter of the unbeliever being shown truth, knowing it to be truth, and accepting or rejecting that truth.
There are some here on the BaptistBoard that have jumped the shark.
I have the feeling that 3 or 4 hundred years ago
@SavedByGrace would have gladly lit the flames and burned many of us at the stake.
Can I ask you, are your words concerning him/her any better? I know it's easy to get irritated with people (I'm the chief of sinners in this area myself), but it defeats the point of trying to have discussions concerning important doctrinal matters when we flub the basics, doesn't it? You know, bring no offense to any man, love thy neighbor, do unto others ...
The charge of heresy flows quickly from his fingers in many of his threads.
And? Part and parcel of a Doctrinal Discussion Forum, right? Outside of cults, no one really agrees about everything. All it takes is to disagree on one point and—Boom!—we become heretics in the eyes of those we once thought to be friends.
In regards to the original issue, the fact that am a YEC is due to my study of both the Bible and the arguments of OEC. I've yet to see a valid argument from their side to warrant disregarding some very basic teachings of Scripture. The jig that's danced to deny the Creation account falls short, and until I see a valid argument, I will continue to be YEC.
I would also point out that this position is for the larger part unrelated to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The reason being, the Gospel of Christ was a mystery, unrevealed truth until the coming of the Comforter. How someone could "corrupt the Gospel message" because they "make a primary doctrine" out of a nearly 6,000 year old Earth, well, I'm curious to see how you substantiate your charge.
Exodus 20:11
For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.
Keep in mind Who it is verifying this aspect of the discussion:
Exodus 20:1
1 And God spake all these words, saying,
God bless.