New Member
I love my fellow church family too much to give less. And if a need arises within our church family I will give more. We are a small church and one time this little group of committed Christians raised $7000 in a week to help a member hire a lawyer and save her daughter from being taken to Iran where we were sure the father would not allow her to return. There is no bondage here. There is love. If I had a need I am confident that same little group would help me. That $7000 was above and beyond our budget. We average about 20 people at a worship service and as that figure indicates they are not slaves to their own material wants. That is an interesting dance you are trying to use, but the shoe does not fit. Money is useful only if used and it is never used better than when helping others.
That is great! See how God's word works better then following the legalistic side of the tithe. Now you just need to get rid of the legalism you are following with the tithe. Cheerful heart giving always surpasses any form of giving from the legalistic side like the tithe teaching.
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