The "Senior Pastor" [thus implying, I suppose, that we've got at least one "Junior Pastor" {!!}] of the church of which I'm a member (Visit to find out more about it [and even listen to some of the messages that have been preached by him and other {but NOT "Junior"} members of our pastoral staff].) seldom mentions giving / tithing in his messages......(Thus making his pastoral credentials subject to serious question by those preacher / pastors who
insist that giving / tithing must comprise a rather substantial portion of any doctrinally-sound, HS-inspired message!!! :tonofbricks: )....
He may make a sentence-or-two passing reference to giving / tithing if the context of his verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter, book-by-book expository preaching mentions the topic, but--other than that--that's it.
His basic goals as undershepard of this flock of roughly 250 people are quite simple:
(1) Teach those who'll listen to Love God first and foremost;
(2) Teach those who've latched on to the concept of Goal #1 to, then, Love the Word of God such that one willingly and joyfully chooses to obey what that Word instructs him/her to do in each and every aspect of life which it addresses (Last time I checked, those aspects that it addresses would cover
at least the first 100% of a person's life.).
(3) In the natural flow of things from Goal # 1 & 2, then teach them to love those people He's placed within the zone of each person's life who've claimed those same two preceeding goals as being theirs too:
(a) Love [in the Apostle James's kind of way] the ones
already in God's family.....Those you already address as 'Brother' or 'Sister', and,
(b) Love [in the Apostle Paul's kind of way] those whom you'd just be thrilled to death to also
sometime really soon be included in God's family .... Those that you really can't right now address as 'Brother' or 'Sister' because their birth hasn't yet occured ..... You (yeah,
YOU!!) being the one God expects to be the head of that person's ob/gyn & delivery staff!! ....
(4) Having, again w/ the HS's' help and guidance, within the body, soul & spirit of those who've demonstrated their desire to fulfill Goals # 1, 2, & 3, he then pretty much leaves the rest up to the LORD......Someone who he's realized long ago will do a much better job at being able to complete what He's started in those people long before the foundation of the world.
Really basic goals, aren't they?
Really Biblical goals too, aren't they!!! :thumbs: