I have read a whole lot in here about tithing. But not much that would be profitable. So your faith so little in God that you do not know God blesses them that support his work. Tithing is not mandatory. But one must check his heart to see why he or she would not want to support the work of God. Jesus in the feeding of the 5000 plus men and woman gave you a example of what happens when you lend unto the Lord he lifts up you offering and blesses it and returns it with a increase. We as Christians have be adopted into the Jewish Line which is the line that Christ came out of. We are not subjects of the law. But tithing came before the law. That system is still in effect. The picture shown in the new testament give us the example of Ananias and his wife Sapphira as a warning. They conspired to defraud God, and God called them on it. God takes tithing and offerings very serious. It was his spirit that Judges Ananias and Sapphira. And God changes not.
So if I gave 9% of every paycheck, then God would not bless me?