Oh yeah right,

there is some value in that argument as well!

...That is, if you're not quite up to comprehending the critical thinking skills necessary to understand the fallacy of projecting the idea or thought that 2 wrongs makes a right, (which Basic Logic 101 teaches it leads to a logically false conclusion anyway you look at it my friend) and in fact only demonstrates your ignorance to get it through your skull that such arguments don't carry any value as far as basic logical truth is concerned.
Hence, the topic of thread is about:
Tlaib uses expletive while calling for impeachment
...and yet Use of Time has merely used All his Time to try desperately bring up any argument he can find or invent on Trump to make a comparison because he is obviously under the illusion "it" (2 wrongs makes a right) is a valid and valuable argument concerning the topic of the thread while he continues demonstrate his basic logic and critical thinking skills ignorance that is on display here by not recognizing one of the most simplest forms of logical fallacy to comprehend.
All one has to is look back at the thread to see your constant focus as if it of some kind of value.
...Use of Time, Bro Curtis wasn't kind to you by feeding you this information because in truth he was merely feeding your fallacious agenda to make an ignorant illogical argument so you could repeat your fallacy yet again.
Please get a clue of where your arguments lead and quit embarrassing yourself.