Christ is the believer's Sabbath. He is our rest. Note to the confused SDA.
Christ is a person and not a day. He is living; a real person, not an inanimate day.
There remains therefore Christ. We rest in Him. All who come to him shall find rest. He is our sabbath; our eternal rest. If you don't have Christ you will never have rest.
The wicked are like the troubled sea that casts up mire and dirt.
Peace! Peace! they say; But there is no peace.
Without Christ there is no peace; no rest.
Simply incorrect and therefore simply, not true.
Note to the confused Baptist:
Christ is NOT the believer's Sabbath— <<He is our rest.>>
Note to the confused Baptist: <<Because Christ is a person and not a day. He is living; a real person, not an inanimate day.>>
That’s better!
So yes, <<There remains therefore Christ. We rest in Him. All who come to him shall find rest.>>
Note to the confused Baptist:
But He is NOT, <<our sabbath>>!
Because that’s what Hebrews 4 says with using TWO widely different meaning words,
One, ‘sabbatismos’ for <<our sabbath>> which is no more than <“OUR-Sabbath-Day-KEEPING”— nothing than <our> “sabbatism”—“THE PEOPLE of God’s culture- // observance-of-the-Sabbath-DAY”.
Two, ‘katapausis’ about ten times used in Hebrews for precisely Christ Who is “The Rest-of-God”— <<our Eternal Rest>>.
<If you don't have Christ you will never have rest.> If the People’s Sabbath-observance does not have Christ the People of God do not have “the day The Sabbath OF THE LORD GOD”, but <<like the wicked are like the troubled sea that casts up mire and dirt.
Peace! Peace! they say; But there is no peace.>> And like <<without Christ there is no peace; no rest>>, without Christ there is no Christian believers’ “Sabbaths’-Feast-of-Christ” and The People of God go ‘un-nourished’ and without “eating and drinking of Christ the Substance”.