Mark 2:28 says that Christ is "Lord of the Sabbath" - speaking of Saturday - the Sabbath - the same day kept as the 4th commandment "from Creation to the resurrection" even by non-SDA standards.
You fail to comprehend the meaning of this verse.
Of course Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath, the Jewish Sabbath (Saturday).
He is also Lord of Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and every other day.
He is Lord of all creation. He created it.
He is Lord of all. There isn't anything that He did not create that He is not Lord of. He is Lord of all. What don't you understand about that?
The verse is not a command to keep the Sabbath!
Second, you fail to comprehend the historical context.
This was a rebuke to the Pharisees. The Sabbath was to be a day of rest.
The Pharisees had made the Sabbath "Lord" or Master over the Jews.
They had it backwards. They had put many burdens on the Jews, so many that it had almost become impossible for them to keep. It was burdensome, not a day of rest at all. Thus the rebuke of Jesus that it was HE that was the Lord of the Sabbath and not the Pharisees.
Christ would give them rest; the Pharisees couldn't.
Third, you fail to comprehend the immediate context.
The immediate context was their "traditions."
Their traditions were outside of the Bible--the burdens that they put on the people. Jesus gave an example using the practice of "Corban."
Their extra-Biblical traditions had made the Sabbath Lord over the people instead of a day of rest. It was Christ that was Lord, and He alone would give rest.
Isaiah 58:13 says that the Sabbath is the "Holy Day of the LORD"
The Sabbath, according to Exodus 31, was given to the Jews. This verse verifies that.
No titles given to week-day one in actual scripture. No claim in scripture emphasizing Christ as "Lord of week day 1"
And your point is???
I claim to be a member of the group "mankind" - "The Sabbath was made for MANKIND" Mark 2:27.
So was the world, the universe, all the animals, and every other day.
Your point is moot.
God told man that he was to have dominion over all of creation.
According to Exodus 31, (which you conveniently ignore) the Sabbath was given as perpetual sign between Jehovah and the Israelites forever.
"From Sabbath to Sabbath" says the Lord "shall ALL MANKIND come before Me to worship" Is 66:23.
SHALL means future.
ALL mankind does not yet worship Christ. This entire verse is non sequitor.
It has nothing to do with the here and now.
He told them not to make idols or take God's name in vain etc.
He said to "Love God and keep His Commandments" Ex 20:6.
Yes, He told
them, the Jews. He was speaking to Israel. The Lord gave them 613 commands to obey. We are not under that law today.
Jesus said that in John 14:15 -- as it turns out, when He was speaking to the Jews.
No he wasn't. He was speaking to his disciples.
In chapter 13 Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. They celebrated the Passover or the Last Supper. They were still in the Upper Room at this point. Judas had left, but they hadn't. If you go down to the last verse of chapter 14 this is what you read:
John 14:31 But that the world may know that I love the Father; and as the Father gave me commandment, even so I do.
Arise, let us go hence.
--Then they departed from the Upper Room.
In verse 15 he addresses his disciples.
There were not 1050 commands from Jesus. There were very few. He says: "Keep MY commands."
Isaiah 56 - the foreigners are blessed for keeping the 4th commandment.
Is 66 "All mankind" is to keep the Sabbath.
So what! This is completely off topic. It has to do with the Millennial Kingdom which is yet future. Deal with those verses that are relevant for us today. Does ALL mankind worship Christ today? The Muslims? The Hindus?