Of course the Arm folks deny that view. They consider the fall did not effect their freedom of choice and they have the total volition to make to "invite Christ into their heart" choice irregardless of the fall.
You have obviously NEVER read an Arminian statement of Theology...because that is patently false. That is ABSOLUTELY NOT Arminian belief whatsoever....You are obviously, and I am not insulting you here, but simply ignorant of Arminian belief.
My guess is this (and if you are honest with yourself, you will admit this) your knowledge of what "Arminians" believe comes from
Calvinists or other non-Arminians since Arminians reject what you just said on it's face. Otherwise....there would be no notion of "Prevenient Grace" in Arminianism.....but there is. There is such a notion because they know that no one possesses the ability to "choose" to repent and believe without a special intervention of God's "grace". It's as integral a part of Arminianism as it is Calvinism.....But, you obviously don't know that.
I remain unsurprised.
Lemme clue you in:
I can
directly quote Pelagius himself........Yes,
Pelagius personally as denying that statement. (I've read his works and you haven't.....and I'm also quite confident that
no Calvinist Polemicist you study has either.)
You need to start learning some things from sources other than other Calvinists who ALSO....have never read an Arminian confession from their own pen. You only know what some Calvinists
claim that Arminians believe, and it's obvious. You aren't quoting Arminian Theology, you are quoting what
Calvinists say Arminians believe.
The Arm folks consider they were born with a propensity to sin, but not "in sin."
Also patently false.......Arminians accept "Total Depravity".....but not the assumption of "INABILITY".....a distinction you show yourself utterly incapable of making......It's ignorant, and I want the thousands of people who read this forum to hear me say it:
Your statement is FALSE and bred of ignorance.
They cannot not take the psalmist literally when he states, "The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies." Psalms 58:3
NO..........we Don't (the first true thing you've said so far)......
Arminians do NOT believe infants "speak". It's a
PSALM dude a
I maintain my children are pretty smart.....but, they weren't born "speaking". Did YOUR children come from the womb "speaking"???
Were YOUR children conveying coherent thoughts to you and submitting falsifiable propositions to you when they shot out of the shoot?
Do tell..........
If they did.........their thoughts MUST have been more erudite than the above statement that you just made.
My babies didn't
literally "speak"....
nor did yours.
Didn't the same Psalmist write this Calvinist proof-text only 7 chapters earlier:
Psa 51:5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.
Can you answer this question for me:
Did David
LITERALLY say that children were sinful when they were
CONCEIVED...or only when they were
BORN, as you presently propose?
Mind you.......I'm pretty sure that your answer to the above question will be inextricably linked to your notion of "person-hood" and your beliefs about abortion....
Because, if we take you "LITERALLY" as you demand, than obviously David was wrong about whether they are sinners from "conception" or whether they are only sinners from "birth". Not to be-labor biology.........but, they aren't
precisely the same thing. (Well, not
LITERALLY anyway) :laugh:
Here's a fundamental hint:
You only derive doctrinal truths from poetic and wisdom literature which is previously known or taught in NON-POETIC literature........
Aren't you the one who thinks that (from another thread) flagellation with thorn-branches also
LITERALLY washes away sin as well?
Would Christ EVER want to inhabit a dirty, sinful, self willed human who extends an invitation to God to join him? NO!!!!!
NO.....he washes it clean with his own blood first
......Tell us Arminians something
ELSE we don't already know. So far you ar
0 for 3 on new information.
Believers are "NEW creatures, created in Christ Jesus." We await a "new body" in the heavenly, and war against the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (all that the old nature and body have to offer).
Almost a soaring bit of rhetoric.......however, it's nothing more than a piecing together of 3 separate and un-related Biblical passages which have little or nothing to do with your statement as a whole and little to do with one another.
This piecemeal is equally as ingenius and relevant as if I'd rejoindered your post with saying:
"Whosever believeth" and "whosoever
will, let him take of the water of life
freely" and "why would ye DIE oh, Israel?"..........and pretended that all three statements (which are also Biblical quotes) were interrelated.
My advice to others I extend to you:
Quit while you're behind.