Good question SN. Earlier in this race my answer might have been different, but let me tell you how I got here.
In the 2000 race I was a strong McCain supporter. I was living in SC at the time. Then McCain turned on Bob Jones for having George Bush speak there (McCain was also invited). Anyway I swore off McCain that day, took down my signs and said I would never support him again. His liberal stand on education, campaign reform, and global warming only reinforced to me that I could never support McCain.
During the primaries this time around I supported Duncan Hunter and was very disappointed when he dropped out before we even got to vote in NC. I was planning to vote Barr out of protest.
Then McCain picked Palin and all of a sudden I had someone to support, someone who really seemed to represent my values and beliefs. Yea, she is only VP but hey McCain’s old. I would love to see Sarah as POTUS.
Then I read McCain’s book, “Faith of My Fathers.” Wow, what a book. Hearing John’s story from his own perspective I can now support him fully. My hurt feelings from what I viewed as betrayal in 2000 is now past. I disagree with John McCain on several issues but overall he does represent my values and beliefs. And he is the man to lead our country. He has the leadership, the trials, and the experience to do the job. He has lived a real life, accomplished real things, made real mistakes, but learned from them. The more I have read and learned the more respect I have for John. Unlike Obama, who the more I read and learn about the more I cringe and fear for our nation’s future.
If you really want a comparison between the two go back to that question that Rick Warren asked them both about the, "Most gut-wrenching decision you’ve ever had to make." Obama named his opposition to the war in Iraq. McCain named his decision to uphold the code of conduct and remain a prisoner in North Vietnam. Now which of those do you think was a harder decision? Which one represents a man with the real life experience to be our president?
So to answer your question SN, Yes, I feel John McCain is the man to lead our nation and reflects most of my beliefs and values. I think he would be a greater president than we have had in 40 years or more, and yes I know that includes Ronald Reagan. I also am afraid he does not have much of a shot of winning now.