Oh gosh - I'm sorry!! I didn't realize that she was just sitting in class being taught, doing nothing wrong at all! From what I have read from new sources, she was on the phone, the teacher stopped teaching and asked her to get off the phone, she said "no", and from that point on the teaching was no longer going on. Every other student in that class was being denied an education because she refused to listen to the teacher and it had to escalate through 3 people before she was removed from the classroom.
Look at the video when the officer comes in. The teacher was still teaching. Every student in the class was being denied an education when the officer entered and slammed her onto the floor and then slung her across said floor. In the midst of this escalation, this could have been solved with one call to her parents. Or the teacher or an administrator dealing with her and her parents in the principal's office after the class .
Excuse me? She chose to disrupt the class and it's the teacher and officer's fault? Interesting.
Yep. She wasn't disrupting the class when the officer came in. It was the officer causing the disruption at this point. And the teacher was at fault for letting him do what he did.
You're a woman. Some guy starts pulling on you and puts his arm around your neck, and I'll bet you try to fight too.
He went to pull her out of the chair (realize that he asked her to get up and she refused) and she fought him,
I'll say again, the next time some guy starts to pull you up by your neck, please report back and let us know how you did nothing. Or better yet, have someone send photos of your dead or paralyzed body. Nobody with good sense is gonna sit still and allow someone to yank them around by their neck
He picked her and the chair up and slammed her backwards.
and he pulled her away from that are
Are you blind? He slung her across the floor.
a to be able to get her to a safer place where he could get her on the ground and handcuffed without injuring the other children.
Just a silly comment in lieu of what people can plainly see.
He didn't do that. He pulled her up by her upper arm and outside left leg pants after he initially asked her to get up, she refused, he took her arm to pull her out of the chair and she started fighting.
You either wear trifocals and can't see straight or you're willfully being ignorant of what that video shows.
Hmm - I have picked up a toddler out of a high chair and had them throw such a fit that the high chair went flying. I fortunately was able to have a good grip on their whole body so I could prevent them from falling but had that child been bigger, I very well could have lost my grip on the child and they had fallen.
You're continuing to sound silly. Ain't nobody yanking any toddler up by the neck and slamming him on the floor and then slinging the toddler across the floor. If you've done that, you need to be in a cell right next to this officer.
They probably saw the video and see what I see - a cop trying to take an adult (she is 18 years old) into custody and them resisting arrest.
And there we have the mote excuse. She was resisting arrest.

At what point did you hear him place her under arrest? This seems to be the MO of the militarized police. Get physical with them so that they respond likewise and then you can claim they were resisting arrest before you shot them dead on the spot.
The American public is no longer falling for it.